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They tell you they love you alot of times so they can have there way with you to some people they use the word love to manipulate and controll other people to there own advantage and other times its because they know it will make you happy to here those sweet little words which in many cases are very strongly misused .

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There could be many reasons, such as feeling pressured to say it, trying to avoid hurting your feelings, or wanting to maintain a certain image. It's important to have an open and honest conversation to understand the motives behind their words.

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Q: Why would someone tell you they love you if they don't feel that way?
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If some one has a tingle feeling bout someone then 2 months later i comes out burn through there heart and veins and falls in love and dont know why and say i fell in love what is or crush?

i would say that is definatley love you really feel something for that person and sometimes its hard to understand but if you really love someone dont hold back what you feel

What to say when someone says they love you but you dont love them back?

Just tell them you are sorry but you do not feel that way about them.

What do you do if someone says that they love you?

if you feel the same way "i love you too" :P and if you dont just smile at them and say "i know"

How would you answer if the man ask why you love him?

Tell him exactly how you feel, just awnser the question, if you love him then tell him why you love him, if you dont then tell him, dont lead him on

Have you ever feel in love with someone?

Yes i have feel in love with someone!!!

You love someone but you dont know she loves you or not and you scared to tell her?

You should be open with that person about how you feel. You never know how they feel about you until you ask.

If you are so concerned about someone but you dont feel that you cant live without that person but that person see you or when he speaks to you you feel excited tell me what would the relation?

It could just be that you are not in love with that person but you love them if that makes any sense. And if you love someone then you know you is just one of those things. I suggest you look into what is this relationship you have with this person and what you hope it to be.

Would you hurt someone you love if you dont know if they love you back?

No I would not. That is not the correct way to go about a Breakup, or other relationship difficultys. Answer If you love someone you wouldn't hurt them whether they love you back or not.

What do you do if you still have feelings for your ex but your scared he doesnt feel the same?

Just give your love even ur not sure if he feel the same cuz if u love someone u dont have to be scared...

How would you love a girl?

I will make her feel like someone is there for her i will love her i will give her my key to my heart and i will love to make my soul reach her soul and communicate and feel happy i will respect her and i will love her .

What if you love someone but he doesn't love you what would you do?

Its best to move on instead of toturing yourself wishing they would feel the same. That's what I did.

Can love kill you?

depends, does love have a gun? Yes, I think that love can kill you because if you love someone that doesn't love you because you are ugly and fat then you could kill yourself because you feel that you have no purpose in life. Also if you dont love someone that loves you, they could come and kill you while your asleep. Somebody you love could leave you, and then you feel bad and kill yourself. But, I can understand why somebody would leave me..... I am really ugly and extremely fat..... :.(