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No, because the amount of insulin you need at any given time of day varies. It may peak or dip with time of day, amount of activity, what and when you eat. Blood glucose levels need to be monitored several times daily to see whether you need to take insulin or whether you need to eat to maintain your levels.

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3w ago

A single daily dose may not be enough because blood glucose levels fluctuate throughout the day. Meeting the body's dynamic insulin needs with a single dose can lead to inadequate control, especially if the dose is not tailored to the individual's specific insulin requirements. Additionally, factors like diet, exercise, stress, illness, and medication interactions can impact blood glucose levels, which may require multiple doses or additional interventions for better control.

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A single glucose molecule is called monosaccharide.

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Is glucose a monomer?

Yes. You are right. Glucose is a monomer. Because it is a single molecule.

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When two single sugars are joined together, they form a disaccharide. Examples include sucrose (glucose + fructose), lactose (glucose + galactose), and maltose (glucose + glucose).

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Glucose is considered a monomer because?

Because it is a single hexagonal ring structure.

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The number of glucose monomers in a starch molecule can vary, but on average, a starch molecule can contain hundreds to thousands of glucose monomers linked together in a linear or branched chain.

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The formula for glucose is C6H12O6, so 12 hydrogen.

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The test that measures hormone levels in plasma is called a hormone panel blood test. This test measures the levels of various hormones in the bloodstream, such as thyroid hormones, cortisol, estrogen, testosterone, and others, to evaluate the function of the endocrine system.