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Q: Why would a group of small cellWhy would a group of small cells help an organism maintain homeostasis better than one large cells help an organism maintain homeostasis better than one large cell?
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How does gametes contribute to the ability of the organism to maintain homeostasis?

Gametes are involved in sexual reproduction, which increases genetic diversity and adaptability within a population. This genetic diversity allows the organism to better respond to changing environmental conditions, thus contributing to the overall maintenance of homeostasis through adaptation.

How does your system help maintain homeostasis in the body?

Our system helps maintain homeostasis by regulating internal functions like temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. By constantly monitoring and adjusting these variables, the body can ensure that it stays within optimal ranges for normal functioning. If any of these variables deviate from the norm, the body initiates responses to bring them back into balance.

Why would a group of small cells help an oragnism maintain homeostasis better then one large cell?

Apex- They have more cell structures then one cell.

Why do organisms have to have homeostasis?

Homeostasis is essential for organisms to maintain a stable internal environment despite fluctuations in the external environment. It ensures optimal functioning of cells and organ systems by regulating factors like temperature, pH, and nutrient levels. Without homeostasis, organisms would not be able to survive and carry out vital physiological processes effectively.

What organelle is most responsible for maintaining homeostasis?

The endoplasmic reticulum is mostly responsible for maintaining homeostasis due to its involvement in protein synthesis, lipid metabolism, and calcium storage and release. The ER helps maintain proper balance within the cell by regulating these processes.

Related questions

How does gametes contribute to the ability of the organism to maintain homeostasis?

Gametes are involved in sexual reproduction, which increases genetic diversity and adaptability within a population. This genetic diversity allows the organism to better respond to changing environmental conditions, thus contributing to the overall maintenance of homeostasis through adaptation.

Why would a group of cells help an organism maintain homeostasis better than one large cell?

The group of small cells would have a greater surface area-to-volume ratio, so are able to exchange materials with their surroundings more efficiently.

What system uses all of your bodys senses to help maintain homeostasis?

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How does your system help maintain homeostasis in the body?

Our system helps maintain homeostasis by regulating internal functions like temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. By constantly monitoring and adjusting these variables, the body can ensure that it stays within optimal ranges for normal functioning. If any of these variables deviate from the norm, the body initiates responses to bring them back into balance.

Why would a group of small cells help an oragnism maintain homeostasis better then one large cell?

Apex- They have more cell structures then one cell.

Why would a group of small cells help an organism maintain homeostasis better than one large cell?

The group of small cells would have a greater surface area-to-volume ratio, so are able to exchange materials with their surroundings more efficiently.

Why do organisms have to have homeostasis?

Homeostasis is essential for organisms to maintain a stable internal environment despite fluctuations in the external environment. It ensures optimal functioning of cells and organ systems by regulating factors like temperature, pH, and nutrient levels. Without homeostasis, organisms would not be able to survive and carry out vital physiological processes effectively.

What are the 7 characteristics of living things starting with S?

Sensitivity - the ability to respond to stimuli in the environment. Growth - the process of increasing in size or complexity. Reproduction - the ability to produce offspring. Adaptation - the ability to evolve over time to better survive in an environment. Homeostasis - the ability to maintain a stable internal environment. Metabolism - the chemical processes that occur within an organism to maintain life. Cells - the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms.

What organelle is most responsible for maintaining homeostasis?

The endoplasmic reticulum is mostly responsible for maintaining homeostasis due to its involvement in protein synthesis, lipid metabolism, and calcium storage and release. The ER helps maintain proper balance within the cell by regulating these processes.

Is A mutation harmful to an organism if it?

makes the organism better able to avoid predators.

A mutation is harmful to organism if it?

makes the organism better able to avoid predators.

How does understanding chemical bonding leads to a better understanding of how the human body maintains homeostasis?

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