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Because the sun is our source of both heat and light. Without it, we could not survive and we would have no heat source left.

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The Earth relies on the Sun's energy to maintain its temperature and support life through the process of solar radiation. Without the Sun, there would be no source of heat to keep the Earth warm, resulting in a gradual decrease in temperature until it approaches near absolute zero.

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Q: Why will earth become cold if there will be no sun why?
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How long have Earthquakes and Landslides have been on earth?

Sence the Earth is close to the sun no it is not cold it is sometime cold and sometimes not but you see for yourselves by exsperimenting I did it you do it. :)

What will happen if sun doesn't set?

The side of the Earth facing the Sun would get very hot and the side of the Earth in dark would get very cold.

Where are the sun and the earth when it is fall?

During the autumnal equinox (which is usually on September 22), the angle between the Earth's axis and the Earth-Sun line become perpendicular to one another. That is, the axis of the Earth's rotation is not pointed towards or away from the sun, and the length of the day and night become equal.

Why are the outer planets cold and dark?

Simply because they are so far away from the Sun. The Sun's heat barely reaches them, thus they become cold, dark and lifeless.

When the moon travels between the earth and the sun causing the sun to become obscured from view?

It is a solar eclipse.

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Will the Earth explode or become too cold for life?

actually space is too cold so earth will become very cold,but we can survive if you have cloths and jackets and sweter and your heaters,but here is your answer our earth will no more orbit sun before sun gets into red giant our earth will divorce the sun hahahahaha.........

Why will earth become cold without sun what makes earth cold i think space?

The earth would be cold because the earth wouldn't be getting any heat from the sun, so the earth would become one big ball of ice and everything would die. The earth isn't cold because it has a core which is over 5000'c. It only feels cold in the day because the cloud's block all of the heat, or there is a cold wind. If it is cold at night then it means there ane no clouds keeping the heat in.

When the sun dies will life end on Earth?

Certainly. The Earth if not destroyed, will become as cold as space. Nothing could survive.

Why not it be nice?

Sun heats Earth... If Sun is gone, Earth is cold... =S

Why does it get hot and cold?

the earth gets hot in cold because of the earths tilt in the summer time most of the sun is on the earth in the winter time less of the sun is on the earth

What will Planet earth become when sun dies?

very, very cold. but as the sun dies it supposedly increases in size and temperature so we would probably be drawn in or burnt up first

What would earth be like if there was no sun?

Cold and lifeless.

What would happn if the eart didn't rotate?

If the Earth stopped rotating, there would be significant impacts. The side facing the Sun would become very hot while the side facing away would become very cold. This temperature difference could lead to extreme weather patterns and have disastrous consequences for life on Earth.

Why weather become cold not hot when lunar eclipse occur?

Because a lunar eclipse only occurs at night when the earth is between the sun and the moon. It's always colder at night on earth.

How important is the sun to your planet earth?

Without sun earth will freeze and it will be impossible to live on earth. Earth will be so cold.

Why is earth cold can you answer?

the earth is cold because the space is cold , space is -273 it's very very cold , we can't feel it because there is a sun that keep us warm.

How does Earth's movement make summer hot and winter cold?

When its "summer time " the earth is facing toward the sun , and when it is winter the earth is facing away from the sun .