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Q: Why were the internal organs preserved inside the pyramids?
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What are internal organs?

Internal organs are organs that are inside your body, like your heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.

Are mythical dragons reproductive organs hidden inside?

Most reptiles have internal reproductive organs.

What internal organs are found inside the pelvic girdle?

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Why do internal organs need to be closed?

The internal organs need to be enclosed inside the abdomen for protection against injury, and to ensure that the tissue remains properly hydrated

Why are mummies in pyramids?

Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife and preserved their deceased pharaohs in mummies by removing organs and wrapping them in linen to protect the body. Pyramids were built as tombs to house these mummies and provide a place for the pharaoh to continue their journey in the afterlife.

What are organs inside your body called?

Organs inside your body are called internal organs or visceral organs. These organs work together to perform various functions necessary for your body to function properly.

What is this brown thing inside my ghost shrimp?

It looks like the internal organs of the shrimp.

How do Egyptians pluck out the pharaoh's internal organs without destroying the body in mummification?

During the mummification process, ancient Egyptians made a small incision on the left side of the body to remove the internal organs, which were then preserved separately in canopic jars. The organs were carefully extracted to avoid damaging the body, as they believed that the organs were necessary for the afterlife.

What is enternal organs?

Typically, internal organs refer to the organs located inside the body cavities, such as the heart, lungs, liver, and stomach. These organs perform vital functions to maintain the body's health and overall well-being.

What lines inturnal organs is?

Internal organs are vital organs located inside the body, such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and intestines. They perform necessary functions to keep the body alive and healthy. Any damage or dysfunction to internal organs can have serious consequences for overall health.

What are the female four internal reproductive organs?

The main internal female reproductive organs are ovaries, fallopian tubes, the uterus, and the cervix. Some may also count the vagina, since most of that is inside the body.

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