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It has to do with their location

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The 10 most destructive volcanoes were so destructive because they had high explosivity, ejected massive amounts of ash and lava, caused pyroclastic flows and lahars, and triggered tsunamis or earthquakes. These volcanic events caused widespread destruction, loss of life, and long-lasting environmental impacts in the affected regions.

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Q: Why were the 10 most destructive volcanoes so destructive?
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Do volcanoes erupt only once?

Most volcanoes are active for a long time before dieing. So no an average volcano erupts more than once in its lifetime.

Where are volcanos found?

Volcanoes are found along tectonic plate boundaries, such as around the Pacific Ring of Fire and mid-ocean ridges. They can also occur in hotspots, like the Hawaiian Islands. The distribution of volcanoes correlates with areas of geological activity and movement within the Earth's crust.

How steep are shield volcanoes?

Shield volcanoes have gentle slopes, generally with an angle of inclination around 3-10 degrees. These volcanoes are characterized by their broad, flattened profiles that result from the build-up of basaltic lava flows over time.

How many volcanoes erupted so far?

well , that is a good question ! About 1,300 has happened in the last 10,000 year. Most of these are shield volcanoes. Shield volcanoes are found under water or and form easily. three quarters ( 3/4 ) of volcanoes are shield volcanoes. SO if you subtract all of the shield volcanoes from the amount of volcanoes that have happened in the last 10,000 years it will come up to 6,000 eruptions in the last 10,000 years. This is not including under water or shield volcanoes. WELL, that's all . BYE ! (:

What are three facts about composite volcanoes?

Composite volcanoes are also known as stratovolcanoes, characterized by steep-sided cones due to alternating layers of lava flows, ash, and volcanic rocks. These volcanoes often erupt explosively due to the high viscosity of the magma, which can trap gases and lead to pressure buildup. Some of the world's most famous volcanoes, like Mount St. Helens and Mount Fuji, are composite volcanoes.

Related questions

Is a destructive plate boundary hazardous?

Very much so. This is where volcanoes, earthquakes and even tsunamis can occur.

Can a volcano be both a constructive force and a destructive force?

-The Hawaiian islands are actually underwater volcanoes that rose up out of the sea. So the Hawaiian islands were built up by the volcanoes.- On the other hand (i don't have to explain this) volcanoes cause destruction.So yes!

Why was sherman's march to the sea so destructive?

Sherman's March to the Sea was so destructive because it was not planned well and most people died.

Why are volcanoes earthquakes and tsunamis so destructive?

They involve the movement of tectonic plates under the Earths surface. These land masses are so large that if they move significantly there can be catastrophic results, such as them shaking (earthquakes on land or tsunamis on water) or letting through molten lava (volcanoes).

How many volcanoes are erupting?

Not many about 10. this is just my guess so...

Why do you have so many earthquakes and volcanoes around the Pacific plate?

It is a destructive boundry, when the plate sticks tention builds up when the two plates unstick there is massive shockwave.

Are there volcanoes on Antarctica?

yes one of the most popular volcano on Antarctic is mount Erebus

Where in the world is pumice found?

Pumice is formed from magma coming out of volcanoes where rhyolite would have formed, (Destructive plate margin), but has cooled so fast that it appears glassy, and almost non-crystalline.

Why is the Okefenokee swamp is destructive?

It was formed by rain so it is a destructive.

What are the main most active volcanoes today?

hey you know what it is so why are you on this remember this bby

Why do you not hear or know about most volcanoes?

Because They erupt so u can't hear them

What is the most valeuble rock?

rocks are not so valuable since they can be found in volcanoes or underground.