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Q: Why were so many people caught unprepared with the Christmas Day Tsunami that occurred at Sumatra?
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When did the tsunami of sumatra happen?

The Sumatra tsunami occurred on December 26, 2004. It was triggered by a massive undersea earthquake that registered a magnitude of 9.1–9.3 off the western coast of northern Sumatra in Indonesia.

What is the name of the 2004 tsunami?

The 2004 tsunami is commonly known as the Indian Ocean tsunami, or the Boxing Day tsunami, as it occurred on December 26.

How did the Sumatra tsunami occur?

An earthquake caused the Sumatra Tsunami.

Are the Mudslides in California caused by the Sumatra 2005 Tsunami?

No, mudslides in California are not caused by the Sumatra 2005 Tsunami. Mudslides in California are typically the result of heavy rainfall saturating the soil on steep slopes, causing it to become unstable and slide downhill. The Sumatra 2005 Tsunami occurred in Indonesia and had no direct relationship to mudslides in California.

What year did the tsunami happened?


Where was the Indonesian tsunami?

The Indonesian tsunami occurred in the Sunda Strait, which is the body of water that separates the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia.

Where did Boxing Day tsunami happen?

Aceh in Sumatra

What natural disaster struck sumatra 2004?


How many people survived the tsunami 2004?

250,000 people survived the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami.

How many peoples survived tsunami 2004?

250,000 people survived the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami.

What year did Tsunami happen?

The deadliest tsunami in history occurred in 2004. This devastating event, known as the Indian Ocean Tsunami or Boxing Day Tsunami, was triggered by a massive undersea earthquake off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. It caused widespread destruction across many countries bordering the Indian Ocean.

When did tsunami occurred in Japan?

Tsunami occurred on 11 Mar,2011