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Q: Why were Americans in favor of isolation?
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What caused the tide to turn in favor of the Americans?

saratoga? Energy is what caused the tide to turn in favor of the Americans. This is taught in History.

Why did Americans not favor unions?

unions were buttholes

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Why did the Americans favor the north at the beginning of the civil war?

All of the people who participated in the civil war were Americans. There was no favor among the population. The nation was bitterly split.

Why were many Americans in favor of going to war Mexico?

Americans were in favor in going to war with Mexico so that Texas could be annexed. The war began in 1846.

Why were many Americans favor to going to war with Mexico?

Americans were in favor in going to war with Mexico so that Texas could be annexed. The war began in 1846.

What caused the tide to turn in favor of he Americans?

the battles in the south

What were the Americans called favor of independence called?

Patriots or Rebels.

Why did many Americans favor the Cubans in their struggle for independence from the spanish?

It reminded the Americans of their own revolutionary heritage.

Why were the natives of the west more likely to favor the British than Americans?

The Native Americans of the West were more likely to favor the British than the Americans because the Americans did not live up to their promises. The British were also offering them more in the way of freedom and payment for the use of their land.

Why did Americans favor the fourth amendment?

Protects individual rights not to incriminate