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There is no "medium" on the moon, the sound does not travel since to travel the sound we must need a medium.

But there is partial vacume and not completely devoid therefore sound can partially travel for a very short distance

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13y ago
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1mo ago

Sound cannot travel in a vacuum because it requires a medium, like air or water, to propagate. Since the moon is devoid of any atmosphere, there is no medium for the sound waves to travel through, which is why we wouldn't be able to hear anything on the moon.

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8y ago

Because there is no air to carry it to you. There is no "medium" on the moon, the sound does not travel since to travel the sound we must need a ghost.

But there is partial vacume and not completely devoid therefore sound can partially travel for a very short distance thus you can hear noise carried through through ground if you have your space helmet pressed against it.

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11y ago

Normally, sound is trasmitted by vibrations in the air. Since the Moon has no atmosphere, sounds have no way to propagate.

However, if you were to kneel down in your spacesuit and press your helmet to the ground - the way that cowboys and Indians do in the western movies - the rock surface of the Moon would carry the mechanical vibrations, which could be heard as a sound. So if a vehicle were rolling across the Moon, or if a moonquake were to happen, you would be able to hear it in your spacesuit or in the air of a lunar habitat.

(However, the lunar dust itself would not have the cohesion to reliably transmit vibrations.)
There's no atmosphere on the Moon, and thus nothing for the sound to vibrate and travel through. That is why, on the Moon, you must either use a radio transmitter, or touch your helmets together so the vibration travels through them.
Since there is no air in space, there is nothing to carry sound waves and thus there is no sound on the moon.

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12y ago

Because sound needs a material substance to travel through from place to place.

Without a material substance, sound goes nowhere.

The most common material substance through which we most often hear sound

on Earth is the air around us, and there is no air on the moon.

Even if one astronaut on the moon were to sneak up behind another astronaut

and set off a firecracker right behind him, as an innocent joke to get a rise out of

him, the joke would bomb, because the second astronaut would hear nothing.

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Christian Dickinson

Lvl 7
3y ago

There is sound in space, there is just no sound to carry it. How you hear sounds is the shockwave of that sound is made, which collides with air molecules, which then collides with our eardrums. In a vacuum, there is no air to carry it, so it just stays there.

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11y ago

sound needs a medium to travel. moon has no air no winds. hence sound cannnot travel

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14y ago

Yes. However, it can't travel through the Moon's atmosphere to any perceptible degree, as the Moon's atmosphere is a pretty good vacuum.

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15y ago

There is no sound on the moon. W/o atmosphere there's no way sound can travel.

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