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A volcano forms at a convergent boundary when two plates (At least one being Oceanic) collide. Then the less dense Oceanic plate sinks/slides under the other. This process is called subduction. From here the Oceanic plate melts in the mantle. It heats up and the heat pressure makes the lava rise into the mountain created from the two plates convergence creating a volcano. And that's how volcanoes form at convergent boundaries.

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4mo ago

Volcanoes form at convergent boundaries because one tectonic plate is forced beneath another in a process called subduction. The subducted plate melts due to the intense heat and pressure deep within the Earth's mantle, creating magma that can rise to the surface and erupt as a volcano. This process is common where oceanic plates converge with continental plates or other oceanic plates.

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15y ago

A convergent boundary will only produce volcanoes where one of the plates subducts under the other. The subducting plate is dense, cold, and contains lots of water. As it is drawn or pushed under the less dense plate with which it is colliding, it begins a downward movement into the asthenosphere, where high temperatures along with the effects of trapped water, cause it to melt. When it melts, it becomes more buoyant than the surrounding rock and will rise toward the surface. If it reaches the surface and erupts with lava, it has become a volcano.

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12y ago

convergent plate boundary is the collision of two plates the denser one subduction below the low dancer plate, the geothermal gradient increasing cases the melting of subducted and generates magma which cases volcanoes.

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