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The answer is in the translation of NPK and what that means to plants. NPK is an abbreviation for nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, the three main nutrients that stimulate plant growth.

The N of NPK relates to nitrogen, the primary nutrient that stimulates the growth of leaf and stem. Turf grass loves nitrogen because it's nothing but leaf and stem. Fertilizers blended for this purpose always have a very high nitrogen content and low phosphorous and potassium counts. If the "nitrates" that you refer to are a purely nitrogen fertilizer such as Urea which is 46-0-0, then read on.

The P and K of this formula indicate the amount of phosphorous and potassium the fertilizer contains. These nutrients stimulate roots, flowers and fruits. Formulas designed to stimulate flowering or fruit producition will have higher percentages of these nutrients along with the nitrogen.

Therefore a balanced fertilizer should have all these nutrients to function well with a wide range of garden plants.

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4mo ago

NPK fertilizer contains three essential nutrients for plant growth - nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), whereas nitrates only provide nitrogen. Using NPK fertilizer ensures that plants receive a balanced supply of nutrients for healthy growth and development. Additionally, phosphorus and potassium are crucial for root development, flowering, and overall plant health, which nitrates alone do not provide.

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Q: Why use npk fertiliser as opposed to nitrates?
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How do nitrates enter plants?

Nitrates enter plants primarily through their roots via a process called root uptake. This occurs when nitrates in the soil are absorbed by the plant's root system and then transported within the plant to support various metabolic processes, such as protein synthesis. Nitrate uptake is facilitated by specific transport proteins located in the root cell membranes.

Does the nitrogen in lightning turn grass green?

Yes. Lightning provides the intense energy needed to combine atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen into nitrates. The rain then carries these nitrates down to the earth's surface enriching the soil. Acting as a fertilizer, nitrates in an indirect way helps make the grass green.

Explain the role of nitrifying bacteria in making nitrates available to plants?

Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia, a form of nitrogen that plants cannot directly use, into nitrates through a two-step process. This conversion makes nitrates available for plants to take up and use as a nutrient for their growth and development. Nitrifying bacteria play a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle by facilitating the transformation of nitrogen into a form that plants can readily absorb.

The conversion of nitrates back into free nitrogen by bacteria in the soil is?

called denitrification. This process releases nitrogen gas back into the atmosphere, completing the nitrogen cycle. Denitrification occurs under anaerobic conditions where bacteria use nitrates as an alternative electron acceptor in the absence of oxygen.

Plants need bacteria in order to take up and use which element?

Nitrogen. Bacteria can convert or "fix" insoluable Nitrites into soluable Nitrates, which plants can absorb

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How would you use nitrates in a sentence?

nitrates are chemically salts. nitrates Can be used as fertilizers.

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no peole use it on roses as it is a good fertiliser

Why would a farmer use fertiliser?

Because it helps boost growth and productivity of a crop.

Can unused ground coffee be used on the yard or garden?

Yes you can use it as a fertiliser.

Do you know how to make granules of npk compound fertilizer?

The npk production line for producing npk compound fertilizer includes feeding, mixing, granulating, screening, drying, cooling, packaging and other links. Do you want to know how to make npk compound fertilizer granules? NPK compound fertilizer granulation equipment is the main equipment for producing NPK granular fertilizer. Such as npk compound fertilizer double roller granulator, npk compound fertilizer disc granulator and npk compound fertilizer drum granulator, etc.NPK fertilizer twin roll extrusion granulator is the most popular granulator among all NPK fertilizer granulator. Why does the public choose a twin-roll extrusion granulator? The npk compound fertilizer double roller granulator belongs to dry granulation. So you don't need to use drum dryer and drum cooler to remove moisture from npk fertilizer granules. This will save you production time and the cost of coolers and dryers. Various granule shapes can be selected with the npk fertilizer twin roll extrusion granulator. Such as pillow shape, semicircle shape, rod shape, pill shape, walnut shape, flat shape, square bar shape, etc. Besides twin roll extrusion granulation, we also have another fertilizer making machine rotary drum granulator to make npk fertilizer granules. Compared with the twin-roll extrusion granulator, there are some different features. Lined with rubber engineering plastics, the raw materials are not easy to stick to the cylinder. Rubber engineering plastics can also play the role of anti-corrosion insulation. This npk fertilizer drum granulator still has the characteristics of large output, low power consumption and low maintenance cost. The particle formation rate of npk fertilizer is as high as 70%, and the amount of returning material is small. And the particle size of the returned material is small, which can be re-granulated. In addition, the drum granulation method is used to make npk fertilizer, no matter the powder fertilizer can be successfully made into granular npk at a temperature lower than or higher than room temperature.

What nitrates use for?

Mainly Plant fertilisers, but also for building bombs.

What are the types of inorganic fertilizer?

The types of inorganic fertilizers one can use are easily broken down in something as simple as water, while giving the plant nutrients immediately. Examples of inorganic fertilizers are any brand with NPK in the ingredients. While ones without NPK are chemicalized.

What are the different types of fertilization?

The types of inorganic fertilizers one can use are easily broken down in something as simple as water, while giving the plant nutrients immediately. Examples of inorganic fertilizers are any brand with NPK in the ingredients. While ones without NPK are chemicalized.