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There is a difference between poles and equator. It is because depletion is minimum at equator.

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1mo ago

There is a difference in absorbed and emitted radiation in equatorial and polar areas due to variations in solar angle and distribution. Equatorial regions receive more direct sunlight throughout the year, leading to higher absorption of radiation, while polar regions receive less direct sunlight due to the tilt of the Earth's axis, resulting in lower absorption and more emission of radiation to maintain energy balance.

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Q: Why there is a difference in absorbed and emitted radiation in equatorial and polar areas?
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Is a QUANTUM is the smallest amount of energy that can be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation?

No, a quantum is the smallest discrete unit of energy that can be emitted or absorbed in the form of electromagnetic radiation. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that explains the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels.

What does the electron produce when they change energy levels?

When electrons change energy levels, they emit light or energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This emitted light can have specific frequencies or colors, depending on the difference in energy levels that the electron undergoes.

What type of radiation is trapped on the Earth's surface by the Greenhouse effect?

Infrared radiation is the type of radiation that gets trapped on Earth's surface by the greenhouse effect. This radiation is emitted by the Earth's surface in response to the incoming solar radiation and is absorbed and re-emitted by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to the warming of the planet.

What is the smallest amount of energy that can be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation?

The smallest amount of energy that can be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation is a photon, which behaves like a particle carrying discrete energy. This minimum amount of energy is determined by the frequency of the radiation, according to Planck's equation E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency.

EM radiation often emitted by heat lamps heaters and fires?

Infrared radiation is commonly emitted by heat lamps, heaters, and fires. This form of electromagnetic radiation has longer wavelengths than visible light and can be felt as heat when absorbed by an object.

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What Radiation emitted by a body that absorbed it first?

The radiation emitted by a body that absorbed it first is known as re-emitted or secondary radiation. This occurs when absorbed energy is re-radiated by the object in a different form such as heat or light.

Is absorbed radiation re emitted as energy?

Yes, absorbed radiation can be re-emitted as energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation or heat. This phenomenon is known as re-emission or re-radiation. The amount and wavelength of the re-emitted radiation depend on the properties of the absorbing material.

Is a QUANTUM is the smallest amount of energy that can be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation?

No, a quantum is the smallest discrete unit of energy that can be emitted or absorbed in the form of electromagnetic radiation. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that explains the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels.

What is meant by net radiation?

Net radiation is the difference between incoming solar radiation absorbed by the Earth's surface and outgoing longwave radiation emitted back into space. It represents the overall energy balance at the Earth's surface, determining whether the surface gains or loses heat.

How is solar energy absorbed and emitted by Earth's surface?

Solar energy is absorbed by Earth's surface when sunlight reaches it and is converted into heat. This heat is then emitted back into the atmosphere in the form of infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some of this radiation, resulting in the warming of the Earth's surface.

What does the electron produce when they change energy levels?

When electrons change energy levels, they emit light or energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This emitted light can have specific frequencies or colors, depending on the difference in energy levels that the electron undergoes.

Quantum definition and antonym?

Definition: The smallest amount of energy that can be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation. Antonym: unfixed

What type of radiation is trapped on the Earth's surface by the Greenhouse effect?

Infrared radiation is the type of radiation that gets trapped on Earth's surface by the greenhouse effect. This radiation is emitted by the Earth's surface in response to the incoming solar radiation and is absorbed and re-emitted by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to the warming of the planet.

What is the heat capacity of dark colors vs light colors?

The darkness or lightness by itself doesn't affect the heat capacity, only how easily radiation will be absorbed - and emitted.The darkness or lightness by itself doesn't affect the heat capacity, only how easily radiation will be absorbed - and emitted.The darkness or lightness by itself doesn't affect the heat capacity, only how easily radiation will be absorbed - and emitted.The darkness or lightness by itself doesn't affect the heat capacity, only how easily radiation will be absorbed - and emitted.

What is the smallest amount of energy that can be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation?

The smallest amount of energy that can be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation is a photon, which behaves like a particle carrying discrete energy. This minimum amount of energy is determined by the frequency of the radiation, according to Planck's equation E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency.

Is the earths radiation shortwave or longwave?

Earth's radiation is primarily longwave. Shortwave radiation from the sun enters the Earth's atmosphere, where some is absorbed and re-radiated as longwave radiation. This longwave radiation is what is emitted back out into space.

Which biome has the highest net radiation budget value?

The desert biome typically has the highest net radiation budget value due to its high solar radiation input and low cloud cover, which results in a significant amount of energy absorbed by the Earth's surface.