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The average distance from the Sun to Neptune is about 30 AU. That's 30 times the distance from Sun to Earth. This means that the amount of solar energy Neptune gets, per square meter, is 1/900 (1 divided by 30 squared) that of Earth.

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Neptune is extremely cold because it is very far from the sun. Neptune, however, generates some of its own heat, unlike Uranus, which has a similar composition.

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Because it is a very long way from the sun.

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Q: Why the temperature on neptune is cold?
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What is the Neptune's surface temperature?

The surface temperature on Neptune is very very cold. it is - 391 F.

Is the temperature in Neptune always cold?


Is Neptune a really cold planet?

neptune is quite a cold planet and has an average temperature of -200 something but still its warmer than uranus...

What are the surface conditions on Neptune?

It is cold all of the time, with temperature always in the negatives.

Is there any water in the Neptune planet?

no, because it has no gravity and the temperature is extremly cold

What is the hottest temperature recorded on Neptune's surface?

The average temperature on Neptune is -353°F (-214°C)

What is Neptune surfaces temperature?

Very cold because it's far away from the sun

What is Neptunes temperature?

Neptune's temperature varies based on its various layers, but on average, it has a temperature of about -353°F (-214°C). This extreme cold is due to its distance from the sun and its composition of primarily hydrogen and helium gases.

What is the temperature like on planet Neptune during the day and the night in Celsius?

The temperature on Neptune is cold, windy, and stormy. The temperature is about -230 degrees Celsius. But the winds will get strong at the Great Dark Spot, and the temperature will get really cold. But on the Equator, it will be more warmer, and it will not be as stormy as it is in the Great Dark Spot.

How cold can Neptune get in F?

Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun, so it's extremely cold. The average temperature on Neptune is around -353 degrees Fahrenheit (-214 degrees Celsius), making it one of the coldest places in our solar system.

What is neptunes warmest temperature?

Neptune's warmest temperature is estimated to be around -218 degrees Celsius (-360 degrees Fahrenheit). Due to its distance from the Sun, Neptune is extremely cold and experiences very low temperatures throughout its atmosphere.

What would happn to a human if traveled to Neptune?

if you traveld on a space ship to neptune the space ship would freeze and crash and tou would die from the cold temperature