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It is not mandatory; acids are also titrated.

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Q: Why the oxidation reduction titration must be in basic medium?
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Why the oxidation reduction titration must be in acidic medium?

Hydrogen ion (acid) has extra electrons which can be donated so the reaction can take place, whereas oxygen can accept those ions to form water in the product. That's why redox reactions always start of in a acidic solution and end up in a neutral/basic solution.

Why do you do a precipitation titration in a basic medium?

Precipitation titrations are often performed in a basic medium to ensure that the precipitate formed is insoluble and does not redissolve. The basic medium helps to keep the hydroxide ions from interfering with the precipitation reaction, allowing for more accurate and reliable results.

What is the basic principle of biamperometric titration?

Biamperometric titration is a method of quantitative analysis that involves the determination of analyte concentration by measuring the current produced when two working electrodes are polarized at fixed potentials. The principle is based on the measurement of the difference in current between the two electrodes, which is proportional to the concentration of the analyte being titrated. This method is useful for titrations that involve redox reactions.

What is the indicator in titration reactions that turns pink in basic solutions?

Phenolphthalein is the indicator that turns pink in basic solutions during titration reactions.

Why is an acidic titration medium a requirement of the vol hard?

An acidic titration medium is required in a Volhard method for chloride determination because it prevents the precipitation of silver chloride as a solid. Keeping the solution acidic ensures that the silver chloride formed during the titration remains in solution as AgCl^- ions, allowing for accurate measurement of the endpoint.

Why is HCl not used as catalyst in the standardization of potassium permanganate?

HCl is not used as a catalyst in the standardization of potassium permanganate because it can react with permanganate ions, affecting the accuracy of the titration. The standardization process requires a neutral or slightly basic medium to ensure the permanganate titration proceeds correctly.

What is the basic formula for glucose oxidation?

The basic formula for glucose oxidation is C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (as ATP).

What is the oxidation state of Calcium-?

The oxidation states of calcium are +2, +1. It is considered to be a strongly basic oxide.

What is the ratio of equivalent weight of kmno4 in acidic and basic and neutral medium?

The ratio of equivalent weight of KMnO4 in acidic to basic medium is 1:2:5. In acidic medium, KMnO4 reacts as MnO4^- + 8H+ + 5e^- → Mn^2+ + 4H2O, requiring 5 equivalents, whereas in basic medium, it reacts as MnO4^- + 2H2O + 3e^- → MnO2 + 4OH^-, requiring 2 equivalents. In neutral medium, the equivalent weight is the same as in basic medium.

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Why the solution turn to pink at the end of thr titration?

The solution turns pink at the end of the titration when an indicator like phenolphthalein is used to detect the endpoint. In this case, phenolphthalein turns pink in basic solutions, indicating that the acid has been neutralized and the endpoint of the titration has been reached.

Why do we add dilute sulphuric acid to dissolve mohr's salt?

We add dilute sulfuric acid to Mohr's salt to prevent the formation of basic iron salts. This helps to maintain the iron in Mohr's salt in its ferrous state, ensuring its easy dissolution in water. Additionally, the acid helps to solubilize any impurities present in the Mohr's salt, leading to a clearer solution.