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A leaf needs light energy to photosynthesise. The way it can obtain this energy is from a light source, and the dark has no light sources-so the leaf cannot obtain light energy, it cannot photosynthesise. This process involves producing starch (as glucose is made, then converted into starch) and so no photosynthesis=no starch.

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Heather Tremblay

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Q: Why the leaves of plant kept in dark do not produce starch?
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Is starch stored in leaves of some plants?

Yes, starch is stored in the leaves of some plants as a source of energy. This starch is produced during photosynthesis and serves as a reserve to be used when the plant needs energy for growth, reproduction, or survival. Examples of plants that store starch in their leaves include potatoes and some types of succulents.

What to do to make the plant free of starch?

To put it in the dark for many hours

When iodine solution is dropped onto plant cells why do dark blue spots appear?

The dark blue spots appear when iodine solution is dropped onto plant cells because iodine reacts with starch in the cells to form a blue-black complex. Starch, which is a polysaccharide made up of glucose units, is stored in plant cells as a source of energy. The dark blue color indicates the presence of starch in the cells.

How can you remove the starch from a leaf?

To remove starch from a leaf, you can perform a simple experiment using iodine solution. Boil the leaf in alcohol to remove the chlorophyll, then soak it in hot water to soften it. After that, rinse the leaf with cold water and apply iodine solution — the starch will turn blue-black, indicating its presence.

What is the processes that leaves produce carbon dioxide?

dark stage

What would you need if I am doing a science project about putting one plant in the dark inside and one plant outside in the light?

The project is on necessity of light for photosynthesis. Therefore, iodine solution is needd to test the formation of starch in the plant kept in light by photosynthesis. The plant kept in dark will show the absence of starch meaning there by no photosynthesis has taken place in dark.

Why can't a plant photosynthesise in darkness?

Well, firstly, sunlight is the key ingredient for photosynthesis and obviously in the dark there is no sunlight. Sunlight is trapped be the chloroplasts in the leaves of the plant and is used to produce glucose and carbon dioxide.

What is a sago plant?

A sago plant, also known as Cycas revoluta, is a type of cycad that is native to Japan. It is a popular ornamental plant that is often grown indoors. The plant has a palm-like appearance with dark green, glossy leaves and a woody trunk.

Why is it a bad idea to put African Violets in the dark?

The center of the plant (crown) is where the new growth appears, if plant is in darkness it will cease to produce more leaves and they won't bloom. Also, plant will eventually have a faded color verses green and vibrant.

What plant had dark fuzzy leaves that absorb and store heat from the sun?

Lamb's ear (Stachys byzantina) plant has dark, fuzzy leaves that are good at absorbing and storing heat from the sun.

What is the method for testing a leaf for starch?

1. Testing leaves for starch After photosynthesis, green plants store glucose as starch in their leaves. 2. What you will test. You will test 2 leaves: One from a plant left in the light . One from a plant kept in the dark . 3. Put the 2 leaves in boiling water to kill them 4. Place the leaves in a boiling tube with ethanol 5. wait until all the green colour disappears from the leaves 6. Remove the leaves 7. Wash the leaves 8. Spread the leaves out on a white tile 9. carefully add iodine to the leaves 10. Wait a few minutes and note the colour of the leaves. The leaf exposed to lightd will turn blue-black while the one in the dark will remain colourless.

What are the physical characteristics of the notoginseng plant?

The herb is a perennial with dark green leaves branching from a stem with a red cluster of berries in the middle. The plant has three leaves on one side and four leaves on the other.