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Q: Why the inner and outer planets are not suitable environments for humans?
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None of the inner planets have what?

none of the inner planets

List inner planets and why they are inner planets?

The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are "inner" because the are the first 4 planets from the Sun.

What is the next thing after the inner planets?

After the inner planets you get the outer planets.

Who has higher density inner planets or outer planets?

Inner planets

What are the inner planets sometimes call?

the inner planets are sometimes called Terrestrial Planets

Is a Jovian planets is call Inner?

Inner planets are terrestrial planets outer are jovian planets

Do the inner planets or the outer planets get more of the sun's energy?

the inner planets

How do you use inner planets in a sentence?

I hesitate to admit that I was raised on one of the inner planets. The inner planets are not gaseous, like the outer planets.

What do the outer planets have that the inner planets do not have?

outer planets are gas giants whille inner planets are just rocky planets. that includes that outer planets have significant amount of mass than the inner planets

What are 3 ways inner planets are alike?

The four inner, rocky planets are also known as the terrestrial planets. These are; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The inner planets all have a clear solid surface, unlike gaseous planets. The inner planets do not have a ring system. The inner planets are of similar densities.

Are the inner planet farther from the sun than the outer planets?

no the inner planets are called "inner" planets bcuz there closer

The important characteristics of inner planets?

That they all inner planets