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All have the outermost shell of electrons completely filled.

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Q: Why the chemical properties of argon krypton and xenon are similar even though there are 18 elements between argon and krypton and 32 elements between krypton and xenon?
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What are some chemical properties of krypton?

a chemical property for krypton is... it does not burn.

Using a periodic table how would you find elements with chemical properties similar to helium?

Elements in the same column as helium on the periodic table (Group 18, also known as the noble gases) have similar chemical properties. These elements include neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Like helium, these elements are inert gases that are colorless, odorless, and have low reactivity.

What are some physical properties for krypton?

Krypton is a colourless, odourless, inert gas with no chemical properties. It is a noble gas.

What has similar chemical properties as xenon?

Other noble gases, such as krypton and argon, have similar chemical properties to xenon due to their full outer electron shells. They are all inert and stable elements that do not readily form compounds with other elements.

What element can substitute xenon?

Krypton and radon are elements that can substitute for xenon in certain contexts due to their similar chemical properties. However, it depends on the specific chemical reaction or application in which xenon is being used.

What are two elements that have properties similar to those of element potassium to those of krypton?

Two elements that have properties similar to potassium are sodium and rubidium due to their chemical similarities in the same group on the periodic table, known as Group 1 or alkali metals. Krypton's properties are more similar to other noble gases such as xenon and neon, as they all share similar valence electron configurations and chemical behavior.

What elements would be expected to have chemical and physical properties most similar to those of the krypton (Kr)?

Other elements in the same group will have similar chemical and physical properties to krypton. Krypton (Kr) is in group 18 of the periodic table, called the noble gases. Other noble gases, such as neon (Ne) or argon (Ar), will have similar chemical and physical properties to krypton.

What elements have the same properties as argon?

Argon is a nobel gas. Nobel gases are located in Group 18. Elements have similar properties within the same group. Argon has similar properties to Helium, Neon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon.

What do potassium and krypton have in common?

Potassium and krypton are both elements on the periodic table. They are both nonmetals, but they have different chemical properties due to their location on the periodic table - potassium is an alkali metal while krypton is a noble gas.

What chemical properties does krypton have?

i have kinda the same ? but all i have so far is that it forms a compound with fluorine to make krypton difluoride and krypton tetrafluoride

What the name for KrF2?

The name for KrF2 is krypton difluoride. It is a chemical compound formed from the elements krypton and fluorine.

What group is krypton in?

Krypton is a noble gas located in group 18 of the periodic table.