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Tertiary alcohols are also bonded to three other carbon atoms (whereas secondary alcohols are bonded to two, primary alcohols to one). These other carbon atoms share their electronegative charges with the middle carbon.

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4mo ago

Tertiary alcohols are more reactive than primary and secondary alcohols due to the presence of three alkyl groups that stabilize the positive charge on the carbon atom when it undergoes reaction. This increased stabilization makes the tertiary carbon center more willing to participate in reactions.

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14y ago

because on losing "oh" group it gives 3rd degree carbocation which is stable.

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Q: Why tertiary alcohol is more reactive?
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What is more reactive acetone or alcohol?

Acetone is more reactive than alcohol. The reason for this, is because alcohol dries up extremely quickly, and it evaporates fast, so it doesn't have much time to react.

Alcohol in which the hydroxyl is attached to a carbon attached to three other carbons?

A tertiary alcohol.

What classification of alcohol undergoes oxidation to yield a ketone?

A secondary alcohol undergoes oxidation to yield a ketone; a primary alcohol forms an aldehyde instead, and a tertiary alcohol usually does not form either a ketone or an alcohol, because the carbon having the OH group in a tertiary alcohol already has three bonds to other carbon atoms and therefore cannot form a double bond to oxygen without more extensive breaking of other bonds in the tertiary alcohol.

Linalool a tertiary alcohol?

Linalool is not a tertiary alcohol; it is a secondary alcohol. Tertiary alcohols have three alkyl groups attached to the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group, whereas linalool has two alkyl groups attached to this position.

Compare the relative ease of oxidation of primary secondary and tertiary butyl alcohol toward acid dichromate based on the time required for the solution to change color?

Tertiary butyl alcohol oxidizes most easily, followed by secondary butyl alcohol and then primary butyl alcohol. This is because tertiary butyl alcohol is the most substituted, making its carbon-hydrogen bonds weaker and more prone to oxidation. The time required for the solution to change color will be fastest for tertiary butyl alcohol, followed by secondary butyl alcohol, and slowest for primary butyl alcohol due to differences in steric hindrance and stability of the intermediate oxidation products.

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What is the relative reactivity of Secondary and tertiary alcohols towards oxidation with potassium permanganate?

Tertiary alcohols are more reactive towards oxidation with potassium permanganate compared to secondary alcohols. This is because the presence of more alkyl groups in tertiary alcohols stabilizes the intermediate carbocation formed during oxidation.

Why tertiary alkyl halides are more reactive than primary alkyle halide?

Tertiary alkyl halides are more reactive than primary alkyl halides because the carbon in a tertiary alkyl halide is more substitued and more stable due to hyperconjugation and steric hindrance. This makes the C-X bond weaker in tertiary alkyl halides, making them more reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions.

How do you convert secondary alcohol to tertiary alcohol?

A secondary alcohol can be converted to a tertiary alcohol by subjecting it to an acid-catalyzed rearrangement reaction known as a pinacol rearrangement. In this process, the secondary alcohol undergoes a rearrangement to form a more stable tertiary alcohol through a carbocation intermediate.

What is more reactive acetone or alcohol?

Acetone is more reactive than alcohol. The reason for this, is because alcohol dries up extremely quickly, and it evaporates fast, so it doesn't have much time to react.

Alcohol in which the hydroxyl is attached to a carbon attached to three other carbons?

A tertiary alcohol.

What classification of alcohol undergoes oxidation to yield a ketone?

A secondary alcohol undergoes oxidation to yield a ketone; a primary alcohol forms an aldehyde instead, and a tertiary alcohol usually does not form either a ketone or an alcohol, because the carbon having the OH group in a tertiary alcohol already has three bonds to other carbon atoms and therefore cannot form a double bond to oxygen without more extensive breaking of other bonds in the tertiary alcohol.

Linalool a tertiary alcohol?

Linalool is not a tertiary alcohol; it is a secondary alcohol. Tertiary alcohols have three alkyl groups attached to the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group, whereas linalool has two alkyl groups attached to this position.

Is a 2-methylpentan-3-ol a primary or secondary or tertiary alcohol?

it is a secondary alcohol

Compare the relative ease of oxidation of primary secondary and tertiary butyl alcohol toward acid dichromate based on the time required for the solution to change color?

Tertiary butyl alcohol oxidizes most easily, followed by secondary butyl alcohol and then primary butyl alcohol. This is because tertiary butyl alcohol is the most substituted, making its carbon-hydrogen bonds weaker and more prone to oxidation. The time required for the solution to change color will be fastest for tertiary butyl alcohol, followed by secondary butyl alcohol, and slowest for primary butyl alcohol due to differences in steric hindrance and stability of the intermediate oxidation products.

Which is more reactive and why monohydroxy alcohol or polyhydroxy alcohol?

Polyhydroxy alcohols are generally more reactive than monohydroxy alcohols because they have multiple hydroxy groups available for reactions, increasing the likelihood of chemical interactions. The presence of multiple hydroxy groups allows for a greater range of reactions to occur, leading to increased reactivity compared to monohydroxy alcohols.

The single oxidation of a tertiary alcohol forms?

no reaction.

What is more reactive an aldehyde or an acid chloride?

An acid chloride is more reactive than an aldehyde due to the presence of a more electronegative Cl atom, which is better at stabilizing the resulting anion during a nucleophilic attack. Acid chlorides are known to rapidly react with various nucleophiles, whereas aldehydes are less reactive in comparison.