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0 Kelvin (-273.15 C) is the temperature when all atomic motion stops. that is why it is called Absolute Zero.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Temperature is measured at 0 Kelvin (-273 degrees Celsius) because it is the point at which all molecular motion stops. This point is known as absolute zero and serves as the basis for the Kelvin temperature scale.

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Q: Why temperature is measured at -273k?
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Is kelvin used to express forces such as weight in SI?

no kelvin is used to measure temperature it ranges from 273K to 373K

Can air temperature not be measured beyond the troposphere?

Air temperature can be measured beyond the troposphere.

What is the temperature of 1.5 volts?

Temperature is measured in degrees, voltage is measured in volts. They are different physical concepts.

How is air temperature measured?


Temperature is measured using a?


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Can a gas exist at -273K?

No, at -273K (absolute zero), all molecular motion stops and gases cannot exist in that state.

What substance has a temperature of 273 kelvin's so what is its temperature in degrees Celsius?

If its temperature is 273K - it's Celsius equivalent is 0oC

25 c 351k 58f 95f 133f 146c 273 high temperature to least temperature?

146c,351k, 133f, 95f, 25c, 58f, 273k

Is kelvin used to express forces such as weight in SI?

no kelvin is used to measure temperature it ranges from 273K to 373K

What is 273k in temperarture?

273K is equivalent to 0 degrees Celsius. This is known as the freezing point of water in the Celsius scale.

Why is ice at 273k more effective in cooling than the water at the same temperature?

Water changes to ice at 0 degree C.In this change,heat is released so as to gain the suitable temperature for freezing.While in case of ice changing into water,the water releases the chillness so as to be a liquid.So, ice at 273K is more effective than water at the same temperature.

What is temperature measured by?

it is measured by a thermometer

Can air temperature not be measured beyond the troposphere?

Air temperature can be measured beyond the troposphere.

Can air temperature be measured beyond the troposphere?

Air temperature can be measured beyond the troposphere.

What is lower criticism?
