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Q: Why should you wear ear defenders when in close to fireworks?
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Why must fireworks builders wear all cotton clothing?

Fireworks builders must wear all cotton clothing because it is less likely to produce static electricity, which could potentially ignite the fireworks. Cotton is also less likely to melt or burn when exposed to sparks or flames compared to other materials. This helps reduce the risk of accidents and injuries during the production process.

Who should wear pushya ragam stone?


What should girls wear for perseid meteor show?

The meteor shower is outdoors, at night, and people (men and women) should wear something to keep them warm, and protect them from the cold. If they will be walking over streets, they should wear something to make them visible to cars and other vehicles; such as clothing that will shine if they are in the headlights of a vehicle. Just wear whatever you choose to wear when you go out at night. Binoculars are optional, but, not necessary. Something to drink and eat are also optional, as is a camera.

You should NOT wear gloves around powered rotating equipment.?


What precautions should I take when working around natural gas?

You should wear a mask and glasses that protect your face and eyes. Also wear gloves. You don't want gas in your body at all because it can be deadly.

Related questions

Where do people wear ear defenders?

people wear ear defenders because incase of a high pitch sound the ears defenders absorb the sound and then you don't have an ear infection.

Who needs to wear ear defenders?

The people who wear ear defenders are the people who live or work in noisy environments, the Ear defenders protect them from loud noises, For example a builder might wear ear defenders to prtect his ears from the loud noise of the construction site. The noise may damage, His/Her ears.

Why do people wear ear defenders?

people wear eardefenders because some peoples ears get really cold and they can get an ear infection that's why people wear ear defenders

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no she should not make you wear her clothes

Why do road diggers need ear defenders?

Because digging roads is very loud work and will damage your hearing if you don't wear ear defenders.

What soccer players wear the number 2?

Either the last man (sweeper) or left/right defenders wear the number 2 jersey

How do ear defenders protect your ear?

Well, ear defenders absorbs the sound from going to your ear, if you don't wear ear defenders when your working in loud noises your ear can be damage.

What precautions should be taken if you set off fireworks?

-Do not let children under 14 years old use fireworks and supervise older children. -Only buy from reliable fireworks sellers; read and follow all the warnings and instructions. -Use fireworks outdoors only; keep them away from houses and flammable materials. -Have a bucket of water nearby. -Do NOT try to re-light or handle malfunctioning fireworks. Soak them in water and throw them away. -Be sure other people are a safe distance away before lighting fireworks. -Never ignite fireworks in a container -- especially glass or metal. -Store fireworks in a cool, dry place according to their specific storage instructions. -Never experiment or attempt to make your own fireworks. -Do not wear loose clothing near a fire or while using fireworks. -Rockets should be launched from a rocket launcher and not a bottle. -Sparklers need to be handled carefully as they burn at more than 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Light them one at a time at arm's length. -Always wear gloves while holding a sparkler, and never give one to a child less than 5 years of age. -Educate children of all ages about the dangers of fireworks and teach them to practice safety at all times.

How do you prevent the hazards of using fireworks?

You cannot prevent the hazards of using fireworks. They are inherent in the fireworks themselves. You can do things to protect yourself from those hazards. The most effective thing you can do to protect yourself from the hazards of fireworks is to NOT use them, and keep your distance from those who are using them. If you must use them, follow the manufacturer's directions VERY carefully, wear appropriate protective clothing, stay away from a firework that seems to be a dud (it may still go off), and never use them inside, in close quarters outside, or where there are other flammable or explosive materials nearby.

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YES!! The ADIDAS f50 cleats were made as soccer cleats therefore soccer palyes wear them as soccer cleats!!

Should you shave your hair before you wear a wig?

You don't need to shave your head before you wear a wig. Many wear a close-fitting cap to contain their hair under a wig. In any case, a wig will be warm.

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