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People should worry because a very little carbon dioxide (CO2) goes a long way in keeping the earth warm. For thousands of years 0.028% of CO2 has kept the earth warm enough for life. Levels are now at 0.04%, much higher, from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). This extra gas is causing global warming and climate change.

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Q: Why should people worry about carbon dioxide getting released into the air?
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Where does the plant get carbon dioxide from?

It's in the air and we exhale carbon dioxide.A small percentage of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is released by the metabolic processes of organisms, and by our burning of fuels. In recent decades, the amount of carbon dioxide has increased so much, some scientists believe maintaining the current amount of carbon dioxide will devastate Earth's climate. Actually, today there were festivals held all over the world to make people aware of this issue. See

How does respiration affect the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

During respiration, organisms release carbon dioxide as a byproduct. The amount of carbon dioxide released during respiration contributes to the overall level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. An increase in respiration, such as from an increase in population size or activity, can lead to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

What gas do people breathee in and what do they breathe out?

People breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Oxygen is necessary for cellular respiration and provides energy to the body, while carbon dioxide is a waste product of this process that is expelled from the body.

Do people breathe CO2?

No, people do not breathe carbon dioxide (CO2). We breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide as a waste product of cell metabolism. High levels of carbon dioxide in the air can be harmful to health.

How does carbon dioxide get out the body?

Blood containing carbon dioxide flows from veins throughout the body to the heart, and then the heart pumps it to the lungs. Small air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs remove the carbon dioxide from the blood and release it into the lungs where it is exhaled.Read more: How_does_the_respiratory_system_excrete_carbon_dioxide

Related questions

When people burn fossil fuels is the carbon released as oxygen?

No, it is released as carbon dioxide and water.

Is carbon dioxide breathed in by people and released as oxygen?

No, it is the other way round, people breath in Oxygen (O2) and breath out Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

Do threadmills release CO2?

Treadmills operate by muscle force. Muscles are powered by the conversion of sugars to energy and carbon dioxide. More energy is used and more carbon dioxide is released when people exercise. People exhale the carbon dioxide. So treadmill use results in the emission of more carbon dioxide than would be released by a person at rest.

Can carbon dioxide make people sick?

Carbon dioxide is a waste product breathed out by living animals. Excessive intake of carbon dioxide can lead to carbon dioxide poisoning.

How are people adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere's?

People are adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. I believe

What role do carbon dioxide play in the carbon dioxide oxygen cycle?

Carbon dioxide plays a crucial role in the carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle. Plants absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis to produce oxygen as a byproduct. This process helps to maintain the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere, supporting life on Earth.

Do cars pollute the air or people?

Both. Cars emit Hydrocarbons + Nitrogen Oxides + Carbon Dioxide + Carbon Monoxide. People emit Methane and Carbon Dioxide.

What do people breathe into the air?

People ( Humans) exhale nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases. The nitrogen and other gases remain unreacted. from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the result of breathing in (inhaling) oxygen travelling around the body in the blood stream, being used at the muscles etc., thereby being converted to carbon dioxide, which is carried in the blood stream to be exhaled. The carbon dioxide, being a heavy gas, falls to earth, is breathed in by green plant life, undergoes photosynthesis, and oxygen is released. The carbon compoent remains in the plant as biomass. The two gases , oxygen and carbon dioxide, are part of the oxygen/carbon cycle.

If we cut down tropical rain forest will it produce carbon dioxide?

No it won 't. Carbon dioxide is from the trees. If people cut down trees we won't have carbon dioxide.

Where does the plant get carbon dioxide from?

It's in the air and we exhale carbon dioxide.A small percentage of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is released by the metabolic processes of organisms, and by our burning of fuels. In recent decades, the amount of carbon dioxide has increased so much, some scientists believe maintaining the current amount of carbon dioxide will devastate Earth's climate. Actually, today there were festivals held all over the world to make people aware of this issue. See

What do people breathe in when they inhale?

Carbon Dioxide?

Can carbon dioxide hurt people?

no not necessarily.