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The rock cycle is a continuous process where rocks are constantly being formed, broken down, and reformed through various geological processes such as weathering, erosion, deposition, and tectonic activities. There is no specific starting or ending point because the cycle is ongoing and interconnected, with rocks undergoing different transformations without a fixed sequence. Each stage of the rock cycle can lead to the next stage in a continuous loop, making it a cyclical and dynamic process.

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Q: Why rock cycle has nor a beginning not an end?
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Why it is said the rock cycle has neither beginning nor an end?

Because it is a cycle

Why it is said that the rock cycle has neither beginning nor an end?

When the rocks heat and cools with the correct pressure to make igneous rocks to metamorphic rock and metamorphic rock to sedimentary rock

Why is it said that rock cycle has neither a beginning nor an end?

When the rocks heat and cools with the correct pressure to make igneous rocks to metamorphic rock and metamorphic rock to sedimentary rock

Why is it said rock cycle has neither a beginning nor an end?

Never ends unless u can smash every rock in this universe

Why is it said that the rock cycle has neither a beginning nor an end?

The rock cycle is a continuous process of rock formation and transformation, where rocks change from one type to another over time. This cyclical nature means that rocks can be weathered, eroded, melted, and reformed constantly, without a clear starting or ending point, forming a closed loop of rock transformation on Earth.

It has neither a beginning nor an end?


A line that has no beginning nor end.?

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The answer is historical. It's a quote from WW2. Prime Minister Winston Churchill made the statement "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Nov 10 1942

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