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Q: Why rainforest plant plants often have large fat leaves while desrt plants usually have smallspiky leaves?
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What are the differences between the dessert and rainforest leaves?

The rainforest plants have big flat leaves so they can absorp lots of water.The desert plants don't have big flat leaves.

What do green iguanas in the tropical rainforest eat?

plants and tree leaves

What food does the gorilla get from the rainforest?

Parts of plants , stem , leaves fruits .

Why does the trees in the rainforest have that color?

Trees in the rain forest are mostly deciduous trees meaning they have leaves, not needles. Leaves are usually green but can be reddish or yellowish. Some plants have leaves that are almost black. It is unclear from the question what "that colour" is.

What type of plants do zebras eat in a tropical rainforest?

grass, weeds, leaves etc

What holds flowers leaves and fruit on plants?

Usually stems hold flowers, leaves, and fruit on plants.

Why do rainforest plants have waxy leaves?

To help keep the water inside and to keep bactriea and microbes off the plant.

What materials are used in a rainforest hut?

bamboo and other dried out plants along with mud occasionally.

List of native Australian rainforest plants?

See the related links for lists of Australian tropical rainforest plants and temperate rainforest plants.

What does a rainforest gorilla eat?

They eat fruits,stems,flowers,shoots,bulbs,bark,leaves and 200 other types of plants.

What adaptations of rain forest plants make them like the source of medicine?

the leaves of forest trees have adapted to cope with exceptionally high rainfall. Many tropical rainforest leaves have a drip tip. Scientists are sent in pursuit of collecting tropical plants. They screen these plants with modern techniques to develop new compounds.

What do plants in a tropical rainforest usually have?

Plants in tropical rainforests typically have broad leaves to maximize sunlight absorption and efficient water uptake. They may also have shallow root systems to access nutrients near the surface and adapt to the dense competition for resources. Many plants have drip tips that allow excess water to run off to prevent fungal growth and diseases.