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Radio wave strength can be affected by weather when traveling over the sea. Unusual atmospheric phenomena enable longer radio wave travel.

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Radio waves can travel further over the sea compared to land because water is a better conductor of electromagnetic waves, allowing signals to propagate more efficiently. Additionally, there are fewer obstacles and interference over large bodies of water, which helps the waves travel longer distances without significant loss.

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Q: Why radio waves travel longer over the sea?
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What is the longest wavelengh in the electromagnetic spectrum?

The longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum is radio waves. They have wavelengths ranging from about 1 millimeter to over 100 kilometers.

What are the disadvantages in using radio waves for communication over interstellar distances?

The main disadvantage of using radio waves for interstellar communication is their susceptibility to degradation over vast distances due to factors such as signal attenuation, interference, and dispersion. Additionally, radio waves have limited bandwidth, which can restrict the amount of information that can be transmitted. Lastly, the time delay in sending and receiving messages over such vast distances can be significant, making real-time communication challenging.

This layer is responsible for the possibility of radio communication?

The ionosphere is the layer responsible for enabling long-distance radio communication by reflecting radio waves back to Earth. Its charged particles interact with radio waves, bending and reflecting them to facilitate communication over long distances. Without the ionosphere, radio waves would continue into space, limiting long-distance communication possibilities.

Why don't pulsars emit pulses of visible light?

Pulsars emit pulses of radio waves because their strong magnetic fields accelerate charged particles, causing them to emit these waves. The energy distribution of the particles in a pulsar's magnetosphere favors radio waves over visible light.

Why are infrared waves used in fiber optics?

Infrared waves are used in fiber optics because they have a longer wavelength, allowing them to travel further distances without losing signal strength. Additionally, infrared waves are less susceptible to interference from external light sources, making them ideal for transmitting data over long distances in fiber optic cables.

Related questions

Can radio waves travel over a long distance in short distance?

Yes, radio waves can travel long distances by bouncing off the ionosphere or using repeater stations. However, they can also travel short distances by line of sight without bouncing or repeating.

Who has a shorter wavelength radio or ultraviolet?

Ultraviolet has a shorter wavelength than radio waves. Ultraviolet waves have shorter wavelengths ranging from about 10 nm to 400 nm, while radio waves have much longer wavelengths ranging from about 1 millimeter to over 100 kilometers.

If Radio waves have a longer wavelength than microwaves What else is true about radio waves?

Radio waves have lower frequencies than microwaves, making them suitable for communication over long distances. They are used in broadcasting, communication systems, and radar applications due to their ability to penetrate walls and other obstacles.

What type of wave is used to communicate with satellites?

Electromagnetic waves, specifically radio waves, are commonly used to communicate with satellites. These waves travel through the vacuum of space and can transmit information over long distances.

Which waves have the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum?

The longest ones that we have a name for are the ones we call "radio waves". There are a lot of electromagnetic waves longer than that, which we don't even have a name for ... probably because we don't use them for anything much.

Why does a longer fetch result in bigger waves?

A longer fetch allows the wind to travel over a greater distance, picking up more energy and transferring it to the water. This energy is then transformed into wave energy, resulting in larger waves. The longer the fetch, the more time and distance the wind has to generate waves.

How far can a radio wave travel into space?

Radio waves can travel indefinitely through space until they dissipate or are absorbed by particles in space. The farthest man-made radio signal, the Voyager 1 spacecraft, has been transmitting radio signals back to Earth from over 14 billion miles away.

How do humans use radio waves?

Communications over long distances are economically achieved by the utilization of radio waves.

Electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelenght?

Radio waves have the longest wavelength among electromagnetic waves. They have wavelengths ranging from about 1 millimeter to over 100 kilometers. Radio waves are used for various communication technologies, including radio broadcasting and cellular networks.

What is the function of radio communication?

Sound and radio waves are different phenomena. Sound consists of pressure variations in matter, such as air or water. Sound will not travel through a vacuum. Radio waves, like visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays, are electromagnetic waves that do travel through a vacuum. When you turn on a radio you hear sounds because the transmitter at the radio station has converted the sound waves into electromagnetic waves, which are then encoded onto an electromagnetic wave in the radio frequency range (generally in the range of 500-1600 kHz for AM stations, or 86-107 MHz for FM stations). Radio electromagnetic waves are used because they can travel very large distances through the atmosphere without being greatly attenuated due to scattering or absorption. Your radio receives the radio waves, decodes this information, and uses a speaker to change it back into a sound wave. An animated illustration of this process is given below (mouse-over the images for animations).done by khalil 1208

What is the longest wavelengh in the electromagnetic spectrum?

The longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum is radio waves. They have wavelengths ranging from about 1 millimeter to over 100 kilometers.

Can a high frequency carrier wave travel longer distance than low frequency carrier wave?

In general, low frequency carrier waves can travel longer distances compared to high frequency carrier waves. This is because low frequency waves have longer wavelengths, which allows them to travel further without losing energy. High frequency waves, on the other hand, are more susceptible to interference and absorption by the atmosphere or obstacles in their path, which limits their range.