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Because plants remain seated at a place and neither bark nor bite.

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Q: Why organ system level less in plants?
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What is the level of organization that is less definite in plants?

Organ level

What does C4 plants require less of to produce the same amount of carbonhydrates?

It requires less water than c3 plants.

What is the change in responsiveness of the sensory system based on the average level of surrounding stimulation?

The sensory system can become less responsive (sensory adaptation) to a constant level of stimulation but more responsive to changes in stimulation. This allows the system to focus on detecting new or changing stimuli, which is important for survival and adapting to the environment.

Do the roots of a plant store food?

Yes, the roots are usually the organ for feeding.Just in insectivorous plants (sundress, pitcher plants, butternut's, bladderworts, Venus's-flytrap etc.) the main organs for feeding are leaves.Sometimes we say "the organs for feeding is the leave" this statement may be correct but in scientific terms and in most plants the organ for feeding is the root.In the cactus plant which is usually found in deserts (Sahara desert etc.) the main feeding organs are 1) The stem and 2) RootsBut For The Conclusion:-ROOTS ARE THE MAIN FEEDING ORGANS OF THE PLANTIN VERY LESS PLANTS SUCH AS CARNIVOROUS AND CACTUS PLANTS THE FEEDING ORGANS MAY BE OTHER(The Wrong Answer)(The Correct Answer)

What organ removes toxins from the body?

The liver is the main organ responsible for removing toxins from the body. It processes and filters blood to detoxify harmful substances and convert them into less harmful compounds that can be excreted.

Related questions

What is the level of organization that is less definite in plants?

Organ level

What will happen to organ system?

An organ system is a collection of organs, and nothing really "happends" to them. However, organs WILL slowly become less and less efficiant as a person age. When the person dies, the organs decay (or rot) with the rest of the body (except for the bones).

Difference between natural frequency and resonance frequency?

In natural frequencies the output of the system will be less than the maximum level. In the resonance frequency the output of the system will be the maximum level.

What is the humidity level of the desert?

very lil cuz theres no trees or plants for transpiration, no water for evaporation. the air is very dry thus humidity level is less.

What will happen to the organ and organ system if these cells are damage or diseased?

If cells within an organ or organ system are damaged or diseased, it can lead to impaired function of that organ or system. This can disrupt the normal physiological processes, potentially causing symptoms or complications depending on the extent of the damage. In severe cases, it may result in organ failure or dysfunction requiring medical intervention.

What organ in the lymphatic system is less important as we age?

The lymphatic or lymphoid organ that decreases in size and in function as a person ages is the thymus gland. The thymus gland, which is situated in the chest area, is important because it plays a major role in the immune system. It is in this gland that T-cells are produced.

What trophic level has the greatest amount of energy?

The producers or primary producers (plants, algae) have the greatest amount of energy in an ecosystem. They capture energy from the sun through photosynthesis, making this energy available to other trophic levels.

Which level the energy pyramid contains the most energy?

The bottom level which contains plants has the most energy. This is because they get their energy directly from the sun while other animals get it from plants themselves, or other animals. Animals cannot absorb 100% of the energy when they eat plants so the level of energy degrades all the way to the top of the food chain. Each animal gets less and less % of the energy the plant had in the first place.

What kind of plants do the ankylosaurs eat?

Ankylosaurus had a very low build and its teeth and jaws weren't designed to chew. Thus, they probably ate plants that were easy to digest and grew at a level of 4 feet or less above the ground.

What major organ system is found in flatworms that is not found in less advanced animal phylum not nerve net?

They have muscular and excretory systems. The muscular system allows them to move from place to place over solid surfaces. The excretory system lets them maintain a proper balance of water and salts.

How can you use less water?

Drinking water you have filtered directly from reusable bottles.Watering plants by buried drip systems.Trying rainwater harvesting system. etc

What does C4 plants require less of to produce the same amount of carbonhydrates?

It requires less water than c3 plants.