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molecules of nitrogen bounce off from each other and don't stick together

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āˆ™ 14y ago
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āˆ™ 4mo ago

Nitrogen is a gas at room temperature because of its weak intermolecular forces and low boiling point (-195.79Ā°C). This allows nitrogen atoms to move freely and not be constrained into a solid or liquid state.

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āˆ™ 16y ago

Nitrogen is a solid at temperatures below -210.01° C (-346.02° F), and is a liquid between that temperature and -195.79° C (-320.42° F). In our normal environment, the temperature is always well above the point where nitrogen evaporates and becomes a gas.

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āˆ™ 14y ago

Matter can exist in one of three forms: as a gas, as a liquid, and as a solid.

Air is only a gas within a certain temperature range, but if the surrounding temperature becomes cold enough, it will condense into a liquid. If it chills down even further, it will freeze into a solid.


The second part is because all of it's chemicals are loose to each other allowing them to freely come and go more than liquid and solid.

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āˆ™ 14y ago

Nitrogen gas is not an ideal gas. It is a good choice for the study of ideal gas behavior due to it's Boyle temperature, the temperature at which a non-ideal gas exhibits ideal behavior, being near room temperature.

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āˆ™ 13y ago

Nitrogen* becomes a liquid below -195.79 degrees Celsius. Therefore if it is a gas, it's because it is above that temperature.

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āˆ™ 9y ago

It is non polar.So there are weak London forces among moleules.So it is a gas.

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Nitrogen has triple covalent bonds between atoms, this means it requires a lot of energy to break the bonds.

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Q: Why nitrogen is a gas?
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The product of nitrogen gas and oxygen gas is nitrogen dioxide (NO2) gas.

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You can separate nitrogen gas from liquid nitrogen by allowing the liquid nitrogen to evaporate at room temperature or by heating it to increase the rate of evaporation. The nitrogen gas will separate from the liquid nitrogen as it evaporates, leaving behind the liquid nitrogen.

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After boiling, liquid nitrogen will turn into nitrogen gas.

Is nitrogen gas monatomic or diatomic?

Nitrogen gas is diatomic, meaning it consists of two nitrogen atoms bonded together (N2).

Symbol for nitrogen gas?

The symbol for nitrogen gas is Nā‚‚.

Does nitrogen have a crust?

No. Nitrogen is a gas.

Does nitrogen gas consist of a molecule of two nitrogen atoms?

Yes, nitrogen gas consists of diatomic molecules composed of two nitrogen atoms bonded together (N2).

What is atmosperic nitrogen?

The nitrogen gas present in the atmosphere is called atmospheric nitrogen. About 78% of the Earth's atmosphere is made of nitrogen gas.

Is nitrogen neutral gas?

Nitrogen gas does not gain or remove electrons. Therefor this gas is neutral.

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What types of elements make up nitrogen gas?

Nitrogen gas is composed of nitrogen molecules (N2), which consist of two nitrogen atoms bonded together.