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Q: Why my little roots and radicals join together in a nationalist cause?
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What are the characteristics of free radicals?

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons, making them unstable. They can cause damage to cells, proteins, and DNA by oxidizing them. Free radicals are involved in various diseases and aging processes.

Free radical remove what from molecules?

Free radicals remove electrons from molecules, which can lead to cell damage and oxidative stress. This process can cause harm to DNA, proteins, and lipids in the body. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals and prevent this damage.

What is the role of vitamin E in the metabolism of free radicals?

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant by scavenging and neutralizing free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells and contribute to various diseases. By donating an electron to stabilize these free radicals, vitamin E helps protect cell membranes and lipid-based structures from oxidative damage. This helps maintain the integrity of cell membranes and supports overall cellular health.

When a cell membrane is damaged by a free radical which specific component of the cell membrane is damaged?

The unsaturated fatty acids in the phospholipid bilayer are the specific components of the cell membrane that are vulnerable to damage by free radicals. Free radicals can cause lipid peroxidation of these fatty acids, leading to membrane dysfunction and cell damage.

Is radiation an oxidant?

Radiation itself is not an oxidant, but it can generate oxidants such as free radicals when it interacts with biological systems. These free radicals can cause oxidative stress by stealing electrons from molecules in the body, leading to damage and potential health effects.

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Why might liberals and radicals join together in nationalist cause?

Liberals and Radicals opposed the old conservative order of Europe and nationalism oversaw the breaking-down of large empires and the creation of newer and more nimble modern states. Liberals and Radicals hoped that these modern states would be harbingers of a more liberal policy than their conservative forebears.

Why might liberals and radicals join together in a nationalist cause?

Liberals and Radicals opposed the old conservative order of Europe and nationalism oversaw the breaking-down of large empires and the creation of newer and more nimble modern states. Liberals and Radicals hoped that these modern states would be harbingers of a more liberal policy than their conservative forebears.

Does radiation cause free radicals inside the body?

Yes, radiation can cause the formation of free radicals inside the body through interactions with molecules such as water. These free radicals can then damage cells and tissues, leading to health problems.

What are the reactive molecules called that cause food to spoil?

Free Radicals

Can high decibel sounds produce free radicals which cause cilia destruction?


Why is super-oxide dangerous to the body?

superoxide is damaging to body as it is quixkly metabolised to free oxygen radicals. these radicals damage cells, cause atherosclerosis, cancer, and other metabolic conditions.

Why must free oxygen radicals be neutralized by cell?

Free oxygen radicals are highly reactive molecules that can cause damage to cell structures and biomolecules such as DNA, proteins, and lipids. If left unchecked, they can lead to oxidative stress and contribute to aging, inflammation, and various diseases. Cells have built-in antioxidant defense mechanisms to neutralize these radicals and prevent cellular damage.

What was the cause and effect nationalist forces move into shanghai?

The cause of nationalist forces moving into Shanghai was to establish control over the city and consolidate their power. The effect was increased tension and conflict with the existing communist forces in the region, which eventually led to the Chinese Civil War.

What is an anti-oxidant and what is its function in the human body?

AnswerAntioxidants are cells found in Vegetables like Tomatoes and Brocoli and what they do is when orally taken by a human help to neutralise free radicals in the body. Free radicals are harmful entities in the body that rage around colliding into the healthy cells in the body and cause degeneration of the cells which in turn cause ageing which makes a human grow old and elderly. Oxygen also causes free radicals to rage even more and cause damage.

What are the characteristics of free radicals?

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons, making them unstable. They can cause damage to cells, proteins, and DNA by oxidizing them. Free radicals are involved in various diseases and aging processes.

What are the benefits of adding an antioxidant supplement to your diet?

Antioxidants destroy harmful agents called free radicals, which cause the effects of aging.

Free radical remove what from molecules?

Free radicals remove electrons from molecules, which can lead to cell damage and oxidative stress. This process can cause harm to DNA, proteins, and lipids in the body. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals and prevent this damage.