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The electrons must go from the battery to the light-bulb, then come back again to the battery through the other connection. If there is only one connection, there will soon (within microseconds or so) be an accumulation of electrons that will repel any additional electrons - the current will stop flowing.

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Q: Why must there be two connections to a batter and to a light bulb?
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A light bulb is set in the bottom of a 3m-deep swimming pool. What is the diameter of the circle of light seen on the water?

As an ordinary light bulb will illuminate the whole pool, not just a circle you must be thinking of a spotlight bulb. The answer will depend on how tightly focused the spotlight is.

A light bulb is hanging in the first floor of the room There are three switches in the ground floor room One of these switches belongs to that light bulb The light bulb is not lit and the switches?

Turn on one of the switches and leave it on for a few minutes. Then turn it off and turn on another switch. Proceed upstairs and touch the light bulb. The bulb that is warm corresponds to the switch you turned on first, and the bulb that is off and not warm corresponds to the switch you turned on second.

Is the light from an incandescent lamp monochromatic?

No, an incandescent bulb i.e. a bulb that emits light by the generation of heat, emits white light and is therefore not monochromatic. For a source to be monochromatic, the light emitted must be of a single wavelength.

What parts of a light bulb are conductors or insulators?

The conductors are the two wires you see supporting the filament. The glass supporting all this is an insulator. The metal ring around the base and the very bottom of the bulb conduct the electricity into the bulb. The plastic between them is an insulator. --- In incandescent bulbs, the filament of the bulb is a conductor, but has a high resistance to the flow of current, causing it to heat up and glow. In fluorescent bulbs, the gas in the tube resists the flow and is ionized. The ultraviolet photons that it gives off cause the inside of the tube (coated with phosphors) to glow.

What will happen if this 4.5 v bulb is connected to a 1.5 v cell?

The bulb need the correct voltage to operate. Your bulb would light if it is a 1.5 volt light. So the voltage of the supply and the light must be matched. Too little voltage won't light the light, too much will light it too much and blow it up.

Related questions

What must condition must be met for the light bulb to turn on?

The light bulb must be properly connected to a power source and the switch must be turned on. If these conditions are met and the bulb is not burnt out, it should turn on when electricity flows through it.

What property must the liquid have in order for the bulb to light up?

The liquid must be a conductor of electricity in order for the bulb to light up. If the liquid does not conduct electricity, the circuit will not be completed and the bulb will not illuminate.

How long does a mood light last?

The mood light will last as long as the bulbs life, which has a lifetime of an average household light bulb. once the bulb burns out, one must replace the bulb with another mood light bulb.

What switches must be closed in order for the light bulb to light up?

To light up the bulb, the two-way switch must be closed in the on position at both the 'Switch 1' location and the 'Switch 2' location. This will complete the circuit and allow electricity to flow to the light bulb, turning it on.

How do you change the back headlight?

To change one's back headlight, one must first uncover the light bulb. Then one must unscrew the bulb. One must have another bulb to change the headlight. Screw in the new bulb.

What does the intensity of light bulb indicate?

The intensity of a light bulb indicates how bright the light it emits is. It is measured in lumens, with higher lumens indicating a brighter light. The intensity of a light bulb can affect the ambiance and functionality of a room.

Based on what you have seen what must be true for a circuit to light a bulb?

There must be a current through the bulb in order for it to glow.

What simple machines makes up the base of a light-bulb?

The bottom of a light bulb is a screw.

What must be true for a circuit to light a bulb?

For a circuit to light a bulb, there must be a closed loop for the flow of electricity. This loop typically consists of a power source (e.g. battery), wires, a switch, and the bulb. When the switch is closed, the circuit is complete and electricity can flow through the wires to the bulb, causing it to light up.

Can fruit power light a bulb?

nope but a potatoe can im not sure its a fruit

A light bulb is set in the bottom of a 3m-deep swimming pool. What is the diameter of the circle of light seen on the water?

As an ordinary light bulb will illuminate the whole pool, not just a circle you must be thinking of a spotlight bulb. The answer will depend on how tightly focused the spotlight is.

How do you replace a brake light bulb in 2003 Honda Accord?

1. Open the truck and remove tail light compartment cover located at left/right up corners. 2. There will be two light bulbs: the one located on top is the brake light bulb and the lower one is for the backup light. 3. Twist the light socket and pull the light socket out; pull the broken light bulb out of the light socket and plug the new light bulb in (must get a right light bulb from auto parts store) 4. Test the new light bulb and put the compartment cover back on.