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In a parallel circuit the voltage is the same throughout and current flow is the total that each device (or load) draws. This is so everthing can be designed to run on one fixed voltage such as 115VAC for most small appliances and electronics. The voltage comes in to your house as 230 VAC between two wires (plus an earth ground) for dryers, ovens and other large energy hogs. 115 VAC is then available from either of these two hot wires relative to earth ground. If series circuits were used the voltage would vary from 115VAC available for a single load to something less as each extra load is added so in effect nothing would then work if they orinally were designed for 115VAC.

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Modern homes use electricity arranged in a parallel circuit because it allows different devices and appliances to operate independently without affecting each other. In a parallel circuit, if one device fails, it does not affect the operation of the rest of the devices, providing a more reliable and efficient system for electrical distribution in homes.

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Q: Why modern homes use electricity arranged in a parallel circuit?
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Do modern homes use electricity that is arranged in series or in parallel circuits?

In a modern home you use parallel circuit's. The reason why they are parallel circuit and not series is For example: say your kitchen light goes off, if that light goes off the others in your house won't. They also use parallel circuit in schools. However, when there is a switch in the circuit, that switch is in series with the load, so you could say that electrical wiring is arranged in series-parallel.

Why do modern homes use parallel?

we use parallel circuits because with parallel circuits the electricity goes through the whole houseBy: Harjeet Badhan Parents: Harbhajan Singh and Suamn Jeet

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-- Any kind of radio ... with the possible exception of the simplest 'crystal set' ... comprises both series and parallel circuits. -- A flashlight is a series circuit. (Unless it's a new, modern one, with several LEDs putting out light. Then they're all in parallel.) -- The heaters in a toaster may be in either series or parallel.

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-- Any kind of radio ... with the possible exception of the simplest 'crystal set' ... comprises both series and parallel circuits. -- A flashlight is a series circuit. (Unless it's a new, modern one, with several LEDs putting out light. Then they're all in parallel.) -- The heaters in a toaster may be in either series or parallel.

What would be the advantage of a parallel circuit?

Consistent voltage. One of the advantages of parallel circuits is the fact that they ensure that all components in the circuit has the same voltage as the source. All bulbs in a string of lights, for example, will have the same brightness. Another well popularized advantage of the importance of a parallel circuit is the case of Christmas tree lights. At one point in time, if one light on the string of lights on the tree burnt, all the lights would go out and you would have to look one by one to see which one was the cause. This is because it was - guess what - a series circuit! In our modern parallel circuits on Christmas trees if a light goes out the rest will still light.

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its because they are in a parallel circuit not a series one. basically if one light blows, it allows the same amount of electricity to flow to the rest of the circuit :) hope that helps, im not the most amazing at physics, so sorry if its not using the correct terms

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