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Q: Why might a scientist want to refine his or her hypothesis?
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What steps might a scientist take when asked a question?

When scientists are asked a question, they might want to research more about the topic for an in depth or background look. After they have gathered a sufficient amount of information, they might want to experiment, testing out their hypothesis and/or asking peers for a review of their overall project.

How do scientist?

He or she states the problemThe scientist forms a hypothesis, a possible solution to the problem. The simplest solution is often the best solution.Next, a scientist might want to perform a controlled experiment. A controlled experiment can give a scientist more information about his or hers hypothesis.Results are recorded and analyzed.Using the data the scientist can develop a conclusion.

How does a hypothesis guide a scientist in setting up an experiment?

A hypothesis is an educational guess so when you make a hypothesis you'll want to do an experiment to figure out if your hypothesis. And that leads you to conclusion. And also if you're making a science fair project soon add your hypothesis. hope this helps!

Why a scientist might want to monitor the size of a population?

Scientist might want to do that because they feel like it you Clump Nuggets next time ask a smarter question you ding-dongs

Why do scientist replicate other scientist experiment?

They might just want to retest ,but there are other reasons not everyone could be sure of that.

What other experiments might scientist want to conduct after they obtain this results?

go to school

Why might someone want to be a scientist?

You should be a scientist so you can invent stuff for the better. Also, to cure sicknesses and save other things.

What are some a scientist might want to find out about this sinkhole?

A scientist might want to find out the cause of the sinkhole formation, the rate at which it is growing or changing, and the potential risks it poses to the surrounding environment and infrastructure. Additionally, they may investigate the underlying geological conditions that contributed to the sinkhole's development.

What are the group of muscles located on the posterior thigh?

the posterior is the 'back' (as opposed to the front) of the body. you might want to refine your question

How did you refine your search terms to narrow your search to the exact information you needed?

When you refine your search terms you are getting more specific in the question you ask, so the search engine will produce fewer "hits" and more of the hits you do get are likely to be relevant to what you want to know. For example, you may start out searching on "house," then you might refine that to "house and not cat house" or perhaps to "dog house." Once you see how the responses change, you may be able to refine your search further.

If a scientist finds new evidence that contradicts a law or hypothesis then?

There are several things which follow such a discovery. First, the scientist would want to publish the findings so that other scientists could examine the evidence as well, and see if they can also observe a contradiction with a previously accepted law or hypothesis, or whether they will discover some error in the methodology, or will be unable to reproduce the phenomenon. Secondly, if the evidence is found to be reliable, it will be necessary to come up with a new hypothesis or law that is consistent with the new evidence, and which can replace the old hypothesis or law, subject to continued testing and observation.

What are some questions a scientist might want to find out about a sinkhole?

A scientist might want to find out the cause of the sinkhole formation, how quickly it is enlarging, and if there are any potential risks to surrounding structures or groundwater. They may also investigate the geological conditions that contributed to the sinkhole formation.