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So results are valid all controlled factors must be the same.

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1mo ago

Using the same amount of saliva and starch solution ensures that the ratio of reactants is consistent across experiments, allowing for accurate comparisons and reliable results. Varying the amounts could introduce variability that may affect the outcome of the experiment and make it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions.

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Q: Why it is important to use the same amount of saliva and starch solution in experiments?
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What colour is the colour when mixing saliva and water using the Benedict solution?

When mixing saliva, water, and Benedict's solution, the initial blue color of the Benedict's solution will change to green, yellow, orange, or red, depending on the presence and concentration of reducing sugars like glucose in the saliva. This color change is indicative of the amount of reducing sugars present in the solution.

Is saliva a solution?

Yes, saliva is a solution of hydrochloric acid, water, and other bodily fluids.

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What happened to the starch solution after you have added saliva?

Saliva contains enzymes that break down starch into simpler sugars like maltose. After adding saliva to a starch solution, the amylase enzyme in saliva breaks down the starch molecules into these simpler sugars, leading to a sweet taste in the solution due to the presence of maltose.

About how much saliva does your body make everyday?

On average, a person produces about 0.5 to 1.5 liters of saliva per day. The amount can vary based on factors like age, hydration levels, and overall health. Saliva plays important roles in digestion, lubrication, and protection of the mouth.

How does one clean contact lenses?

Firstly, do not lick them! Your saliva contains a huge amount of bacteria that can cause conjunctivitis and worse. Wash your hands, place the lens and some cleaning solution in your hand, and rub the lens with your finger. Rinse it with rinsing solution, and store it in a case with storage solution.

What happens when phenolphthalein mixes with saliva?

Phenolphthalein is a pH indicator that turns pink in basic solutions, and colorless in acidic solutions. Normal pH of saliva ranges between 6.2 (acidic) and 7.4 (basic), with 7 being neutral pH. So, the answer is, "it depends." Is the saliva acidic, or basic?

What color does saliva turn into with the Benedict's solution?

Benedict's solution changes colors (blue to green to yellow to orange to red) in the presence of "reducing" sugars, which are not normally present in saliva. An interesting experiment, however, is testing table sugar with Benedict's solution. Table sugar is a glucose sugar joined to a fructose sugar, so they cannot react with the Benedict's solution and no color change occurs. Put table sugar in your mouth for a few moments, and then test the saliva. Now the Benedict's solution will react! (The reason: saliva has an enzyme, amylase, which breaks the glucose and fructose apart so that they can react to the Benedict's.)

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How do you measure dogs saliva?

Simple, you get a measuring cup, possibly from your kitchen, to measure liquids. Take the amount of saliva from dog (do not force dog to give saliva, that is cruel) and measure the amount from the tool. Dog saliva is a needed ingredient in many food dishes, including many seafood dishes.

Can saliva causes HIV aids?

Yes, but it would take an ENORMOUS amount of saliva to transmit the virus. Like a few hundred gallons.