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Energy is lost through metabolism.

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3w ago

Not all chemical energy from a prey is passed to a predator due to losses in the form of heat, waste production, and energy used for bodily functions. Energy is lost at each trophic level in an ecosystem, resulting in only a portion of the energy being transferred to higher trophic levels.

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Q: Why isn't all the chemical energy passed from a prey to a predator?
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What does chloroplast do in a plant cell do?

It captures the energy from sunlight as chemical energy.

What happens when the cycling of matter in ecosystems is disrupted?

The predator eats the prey in the food chain. As the population is stable, the food chain won't wreck. There's an interdependence between the prey and the predator in the food chain. The prey should be there to feed some food to their predator, and the predator also needs to be there to control their prey population from exploding. Changes in animal population can wreck the food chain. If the prey population decreases, the predator population would also decrease as there'll be less food for them to eat. If the predator population decreases, the prey population would increase because less predators means less preys gets hunted down, so there'll be more preys. If the prey population increases, then the predator population would also increase because there'll be more food for them to eat and there should be more predators to take more control patrol of their prey population. If the predator population increases, then the prey population would decrease because more predators means more preys gets hunted down, so there'll be less preys. Animal Population Change Formula: Prey Decrease→Predator Decrease Predator Decrease→Prey Increase Prey Increase→Predator Increase Predator Increase→Prey Decrease

What is the main source of ecosystem?

The main source of ecosystems is the sun, which provides the energy needed for photosynthesis to occur in plants. This energy is then transferred through the food chain as organisms consume each other. Additionally, abiotic factors like water, soil, and nutrients also play a crucial role in ecosystem functioning.

How could you prove that grinding a bar of iron into a powder is not a chemical change?

Grinding a bar of iron into a powder is a physical change, not a chemical change. This is because the iron is still the same substance, just in a different physical form. No new substances are formed during the grinding process, demonstrating that it is a physical change.

Why are coastlines important?

Idkk : ) :P

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What does chloroplast do in a plant cell do?

It captures the energy from sunlight as chemical energy.

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heat coming from where? heat from a fire isnt, heat from the sun is.

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