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See this article on Wikipedia, for explanation and history of world electrical systems.

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1mo ago

Voltage differs between countries due to historical reasons and infrastructure development. Different countries have established varying standard voltage levels based on their power generation and transmission systems. The differences in voltage also help ensure compatibility with appliances and electronic devices in each region.

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Q: Why is voltage different between countries?
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What are the benefits of traveling with a voltage converter?

if you are traveling out of the country a voltage converter is a neccessity. Because a lot of other countries use electricity on a different voltage.

What the different between voltage generators and voltage transformers?

Generators generate and transformers step up or step down the voltage

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voltage and frequency both are different quantity.. don't mix it...

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Voltage Tarnsformer transforms only voltage. While power transformer transforms both voltage and current.

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voltage = the electrical "pressure"current = the electrical "movement rate" or "flow rate"

What is the frequency in different countries?

Scroll down to related links and look at "AC voltage and frequencies in the world".

What is voltage of main electricity?

It varies in different countries round the world but most use 240 volt mains.

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different countries

The difference between short to a voltage circuit and short to a ground circuit?

A short circuit is an abnormal connection between two nodes intended to be at different voltages. A voltage circuit is caused intentionally for the purpose of voltage sensing. A ground circuit occurs between a phase and the ground.

What is different between European and Asia countries?

Um there in two different continents