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Because the rhinovirus (which is one virus that causes the common cold) mutates and changes its structure extremely frequently as do the other viruses that cause the common cold, such as Coronaviruses, and any of the others of hundreds of viruses that cause colds. While influenza strains also mutate, it is not as quickly as cold viruses that almost constantly are mutating, resulting in several dozen active viruses in any one locality.

In addition, influenza has proven reasonably easy to grow in labs for study and for vaccine production, while cultivating rhinoviruses has proven very difficult.

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7mo ago

Influenza vaccines target specific strains of the influenza virus that cause seasonal outbreaks. Rhinovirus, on the other hand, has over 100 serotypes that constantly mutate, making it difficult to develop a single vaccine that can effectively protect against all strains. Additionally, the symptoms of rhinovirus infections are generally mild and self-limiting, unlike the more severe outcomes associated with influenza, so the demand for a rhinovirus vaccine is not as high.

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One code is 90471. There is a 2nd code for the actual influenza vaccine, but we need to know the age of the patient.

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Dr. Rosenow in 1918

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How often should an adult patient with a history of heart failure receive Trivalent influenza vaccine?

Adults should get seasonal influenza vaccine annually.

Can a patient positive for influenza receive the flu vaccine?

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