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Q: Why is there little seasonal difference in albedo in the tropics?
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Why is there so little precipitation at high latitudes?

as you move away from the tropics it means you are moving closer to the equator and since at the equator is warm there will be little precipitation

Which planets have no season?

Venus has little to no seasonal variation due to its nearly circular orbit and slow rotation. Additionally, Mercury experiences minimal seasonal changes due to its very small axial tilt.

What Island in the Caribbean is known as Little England in the Tropics?

Barbados is known as "Little England in the Tropics" due to its long history as a British colony and its continued influence of British culture, such as driving on the left side of the road and afternoon tea traditions.

What is the climite in the tropics and the arctic?

The tropics generally have a warm and humid climate with consistent high temperatures throughout the year. In contrast, the Arctic has a cold and dry climate with long winters and short, cool summers. The Arctic experiences extreme temperature variations and receives very little sunlight during certain parts of the year.

Does earth's surface absorb thermal energy at the same rate?

No, Earth's surface does not absorb thermal energy at the same rate everywhere. Factors such as the type of surface (e.g., land, water, ice), albedo (reflectivity), cloud cover, and latitude can all affect the rate at which thermal energy is absorbed. Areas with darker surfaces tend to absorb more thermal energy compared to lighter surfaces, for example.

Related questions

Why is there little seasonal difference in albedo in the tropics and across most of the southern hemisphere but greater seasonal differences in albedo north of 40 degrees N?

There is less seasonal difference in albedo in the tropics and southern hemisphere because these regions receive consistent sunlight throughout the year due to their proximity to the equator. In contrast, regions north of 40 degrees N experience greater seasonal differences in albedo due to the tilt of the Earth's axis, leading to more variation in sunlight exposure throughout the year.

What do jaguars do in winter?

Most jaguars live in the tropics where there is little difference in temperature between summer and winter.

Is there any place having no seasons?

The areas of Earth around the equator called the "tropics" between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn have little seasonal variation. It's usually summer all year long.

How do cougars and jaguars survive in winter?

Most jaguars live in the tropics where there is little difference in temperature between summer and winter.

Where on earth do the seasons change very little?

The tropics.

Which has the lowest albedo A black sheet of paper A white sheet of paper The surface of a body of water or A mirror?

A black sheet of paper has the lowest albedo because it absorbs most of the light that hits it, reflecting very little back. Albedo is the measure of how much light is reflected by a surface, with higher albedo indicating more reflection.

How does the change in season affect the expedition?

Well in the tropics it would have little affect.

How changing albedo of ice impacting the Antarctic and Greenland ice caps?

Albedo is a positive feedback. If there is less ice, there earth will not be able to reflect as much radiation and it will warm a little bit more. This will cause continued enhancement of ice melt.

Do seasonal temperatures exist on Jupiter?

The axial tilt of Jupiter is relatively small: only 3.13°. As a result this planet does not experience significant seasonal changes, and very little in the way of seasonal temperature changes

Why is there so little precipitation at high latitudes?

as you move away from the tropics it means you are moving closer to the equator and since at the equator is warm there will be little precipitation

What is the climate in puerto rico?

Tropical marine,mild;little seasonal tempature variation

What are the temperatures in tropical rainforest?

There is very little seasonal variation in the Tropical Rainforest's. By C.