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The weight of a rock is less in water because water exerts an upward buoyant force on the rock, reducing its effective weight. This is due to the principle of buoyancy, where the weight of the water displaced by the rock counteracts the rock's weight.

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Q: Why is the weight of rock different in and out water?
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A rock will sink because it is heavier than..?

...the water it displaces. When comparing the weight of the rock to the weight of the water it displaces, the rock is denser and will sink.

How heavy or dense a rock is what is it called?

The heaviness or density of a rock is referred to as its specific gravity, which compares the weight of the rock to the weight of an equal volume of water. It is a measure of how compact the material in the rock is.

Why doesn't a rock float?

A rock sinks in water because its density is greater than that of water. The weight of the rock is heavier than the water it displaces, causing it to sink rather than float.

What happens if an extrusive igneous rock goes in the ocean and wind acts on it?

The extrusive igneous rock will float because that extrusive rock got cooled down fast then a regular extrusive. When the wind acted on it, it get cool down fast and the gases from the volcano gets trap in the rock and the weight of that rock is light. Also water and gases have different density so the gases in the rock will be pushed upward and the rock will float because of the weight and the gases in the rock. (P.s only a prediction)

How it is possible for a rock to float in water?

A rock floats in water due to buoyancy, which is the upward force exerted by the water on the rock. If the rock is less dense than the water, it will displace an amount of water equal to its weight, causing it to float. Additionally, surface tension can also play a role in helping small rocks or pebbles float on the surface of water.

Related questions

What will happen to the weight reading if a rock is dropped into water?

It depends what the weight reading was originally measuring. If it was measuring the weight of the experimenter and the rock they were holding, and the water is not being held by them, then the weight will decrease by the weight of the rock. If it was measuring the weight of the water into which the rock it dropped, then it will increase by the weight of the rock. If it was measuring the weight of something totally unrelated to the experiment, then dropping the rock will have no measurable effect on the reading of the weight. Context needs to be given for the weight reading for a proper answer to be given.

How does the buoyant force of a rock emerged in water compare to the weight of the water displaced by the rock?

The buoyant force acting on a rock in water is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the rock, as described by Archimedes' principle. This means that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the volume of water that is pushed aside by the rock when it is submerged.

If a rock is put into a container of water will the weight stay the same?

The weight of the rock will be lessened by the weight of the same volume of water. If the rock weighs less than that volume of water, it will float (as does pumice). Thus, if you had a rock that has a density (weight/volume) of 2 times the same volume of water, it would weigh one half of its dry weight when in water.

Buoyant force of a rock submerged in water compared to the weight of the water displaced by the rock?

The buoyant force acting on the rock submerged in water is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the rock. This is known as Archimedes' principle, which states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces.

8 A rock suspended by a scale weighs 5 N out of water and 3 N when submerged in water What is the buoyant force on the rock?

The buoyant force accounts for the missing 2 N when the rock is in water. The 2 N is the weight of the volume of water equal to the volume of the rock ... the water that the rock 'displaces' (pushes aside) when it enters the water.

A rock will sink because it is heavier than..?

...the water it displaces. When comparing the weight of the rock to the weight of the water it displaces, the rock is denser and will sink.

What is the net force on a rock that weighs 500N if the water is 300N?

The net force on the rock is 200N. This is calculated by subtracting the weight of the water from the weight of the rock. The net force accounts for any resulting motion or acceleration of the rock.

How heavy or dense a rock is what is it called?

The heaviness or density of a rock is referred to as its specific gravity, which compares the weight of the rock to the weight of an equal volume of water. It is a measure of how compact the material in the rock is.

What are physical properties of rock?

the physical properties of a rock are a solid molecules are close together different colors different sizes and different weight and different kinds

Does rock candy melt in water?

No. Rock candy dissolves in water, which is different from melting.

Is the weight of a rock different in the moon than the earth?


What is the best way to measure water absorption capacity of rock?

Measure the rock and put it in water for an hour and check its weight, do it for another hour and so on until the weight stays the same