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Q: Why is the urna important in buddisim?
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What does urna mean?

A mark on the forehead of Buddhists.

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How do you say urn in spanish?

urna, jarron (OORnah, khahRRUN)

Did sidartha gupthma found buddisim?

yes he was the indian prince

What is Japans religeons?

The most common is Buddisim or Hinduism, but you can find Christians there.

What is 'antique garden urn' when translated from English to Italian?

"Antique garden urn" in English is antica urna da giardino in Italian.

What actors and actresses appeared in El fantasma vs. el secreto de la urna maldita - 2008?

The cast of El fantasma vs. el secreto de la urna maldita - 2008 includes: Gizela Vampiro Asesino Fernando Carbonel El Fantasma Internacional Valeria Gallart El Hijo del Fantasma Septiembre Negro Miguel Vilchis

What does urna semper mean?

It means “always push” in latin. For proof, you could search it on any translator.

Do all buddist prople believe in buddisim?

I think by definition a 'Buddhist person' is someone who follows the teachings of Buddha. So yes I think all Buddhist people follow Buddhism to a greater or lesser extent.

What are things in Ancient Rome that begin with the letter U?

Some of the things that begin with the letter U in Latin are: Urna--jug, urbs--city, uxor--wife, umbra--shade,umbo--a boss or a round projection, uncus--a hook.

Where is buddisim still going on today?

Buddhism is primarily practiced in East Asia, South East Asia and parts of South Asia. The countries that practice Buddhism the most are Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, China, Bhutan, Tibet, Korea and Japan.

What role does religion play in a samurai's life?

There were many different beliefs in Feudal Japan. Most were Zen Buddhists, but other types of Buddhism existed, depending on which class of society one belonged to. Also all of Japan also have Shinto beliefs, especially the Imperial Household. There were also few Christians that existed in Feudal Japan, though it would be banned toward the end of Feudal Society.