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The thoracic vertebrae is very important to the human body as it is the middle segment of the vertebral column. Important structures of the thoracic spine are bones and joints, nerves, connective tissues, muscles and spinal segment.

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11y ago

The vertebrae of the vertebral column (backbone or spine) serve two primary functions. First, they protect the spinal cord from injury; damage to the spinal cord often results in partial or complete paralysis depending upon the location and severity of the damage. Second, they serve as origins for a number of muscles, including the posture muscles of the lower back - without this, humans would not be able to stand upright.

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13y ago

They give us support for our head and they are the main part of the body cause without them wee wouldn't be able to stand up right now.

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Q: Why is the thoracic vertebrae a very important part of a human body?
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How many lumber vertebrae human body have?

A human body typically has 5 lumbar vertebrae, which are located in the lower back region, between the thoracic vertebrae and the sacrum. These vertebrae are larger and sturdier to support the weight of the upper body and provide flexibility for movement.

How many lumbar vertebrae are on the human body?

The human spine is made up of three parts, the cervical spine(neck), the thoracic(middle), and the lumbar (lower back). The lumbar consists of 5 vertebrae in the average adult human, but may also only have 4 or 6 vertebrae depending on the individual, although this is not as common.

What is the part on the human body under the armpits?

The part under the armpits on the human body is called the ribcage. It is composed of the thoracic vertebrae, sternum, and ribs that protect the vital organs like the heart and lungs.

What part of the body has 13 parts?

The human body has 13 thoracic vertebrae, which are located in the chest area and help protect the spinal cord. Each thoracic vertebra is associated with a rib, totaling 12 pairs with one additional vertebra called T1.

Where is the invertebrate in the human body?

Assuming you mean vertebrae; The human spine is made up of 33 vertebrae (Sungular: vertebra.) There are four sections of vertebrae. The cervical vertebrae is is made up of 7 vertebrae and makes up the neck. The thoracic vertebrae makes up the upper back and contains 12 vertebrae. the lumbar vertebrae area makes up the lower back between the thoracic vetrtabrae and the sacral curve, made up of 5 vertebrae. Lastly, The tailbone area is below the lumbar section and called the sacral curve. 5 vertebrae make up the sacrum and 4 are fused to make the tailbone. All vertebrae but the sacral curve section are separated by invertebral discs.

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What is the shape of the centrum of the thoracic vertebrae are?

The body or centrum of the thoracic vertebrae are heart shaped. There are twelve thoracic vertebrae in humans and they are located in the chest.

Where is the lumbar vertebrae in the human body?

The lumbar vertebrae are located in the lower back region of the human spine, between the thoracic vertebrae and the sacrum. There are five lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5) that support the weight of the upper body and allow for bending and twisting movements of the trunk.

How many vertebre does the human body have?

The human body has 33 vertebrae, including 24 presacral vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar) and 9 fused vertebrae in the sacrum and coccyx.

How many lumber vertebrae human body have?

A human body typically has 5 lumbar vertebrae, which are located in the lower back region, between the thoracic vertebrae and the sacrum. These vertebrae are larger and sturdier to support the weight of the upper body and provide flexibility for movement.

Which of the vertebrae can be associated with the chest?

The thoracic vertebrae are found in the chest region of the body. Humans have twelve thoracic vertebrae which are located between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae.

What are tips to identifying the pleural cavity?

"The plueral cavity is in the upper thoracic region of the human body. In human anatomy, the pleural cavity encases the lungs and is surrounded by the rib cage and the thoracic vertebrae."

How many lumbar vertebrae are on the human body?

The human spine is made up of three parts, the cervical spine(neck), the thoracic(middle), and the lumbar (lower back). The lumbar consists of 5 vertebrae in the average adult human, but may also only have 4 or 6 vertebrae depending on the individual, although this is not as common.

How many thoracic vertebrae are in the vertebral column?

There are a pair of 12 of thoracic vertebrae in the human body. Some variations exist, as in all of nature, but that is most commonly agreed upon number. The vertebrae of the spine are divided into sections (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and the coccyx). The thoracic 3 and 4 vertebrae control much of the upper back kyphotic curve. There are special areas called dermatomes in our bodies where our spinal nerves can affect certain areas associated with them; skin, muscles, joints, and organs. There are 12 thoracic vertebra in human skleletalTwelve.The adult body has 7 cervical vertebra, 12 thoracic vertebrae, and 5 lumbar vertebrae. It can be remembered as: breakfast at 7am, lunch at 12noon, and dinner at 5pm.There are 12 thoracic vertebrae.12, they are labeled T1 to T12

How are thoracic 11 and 12 different from the other vertebrae?

Unlike all other thoracic vertebrae, 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae lack articulation surfaces (for tubercle of ribs) on their transverse processes. The articulation facets (for head of rib) on the body of 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae are large.

Name the bones of the thoracic cage?

The thoracic cage consists of the ribs, thoracic vertebrae, sternum, and costal cartilage. It protects the heart and lungs and provides structure and support to the upper body.

What part of the body is affected by thoracic vertebrae 9 and 10?

the leg will be affectod

What is the part on the human body under the armpits?

The part under the armpits on the human body is called the ribcage. It is composed of the thoracic vertebrae, sternum, and ribs that protect the vital organs like the heart and lungs.