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According to Newton's universal gravitational law, the force of attraction between two massive bodies is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

As earth is closer to the sun than the Pluto, the force of gravitation is more in case of earth than the Pluto

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That really is not the case. The sun does keep earth in its orbit about 93 million miles from the sun, but the tidal force of the moon on the earth is far greater than the sun's tidal force. Based on what I can find, the sun's gravitational pull on earth is about 46% that of the pull between earth and moon. If it seems odd that the sun manages to keep our planet in orbit with less than half of the pull exerted by the moon, keep in mind that we take a full year to move around the sun. If we were moving much faster in our orbit, we'd go sailing off into space with dire consequences regardless how you figure it. Astronomers and physicists, please weigh in.

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