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Q: Why is the specific heat of a dense material lower than a less dense material?
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What is the relationship between specific heat and rate of heating?

change in temperature does not effect specific heat. for example,specific heat of water is 4.14 j/g.k at any temperature

Is the heat capacity of a body the same as its specific heat capacity?

The heat capacity depends on the mass of a material and is expressed in j/K.The specific heat capacity not depends on the mass of a material and is expressed in j/mol.K.

What is the specific heat capacity for the rocket fin?

The specific heat capacity of a material is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one unit mass of that material by one degree Celsius. The specific heat capacity for rocket fins will depend on the material they are made of, such as aluminum or titanium. For example, the specific heat capacity of aluminum is about 0.9 J/g°C.

Which compounds tend to be liquids or gases at room temperature due to their Specific Heat?

Compounds with lower specific heat tend to be liquids or gases at room temperature, as they require less energy to increase their temperature. This means they are more likely to exist in a less dense state compared to compounds with higher specific heat, which are typically solids at room temperature.

What does it mean to say that a material has a high or low specific heat capacity?

The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of energy required to increase the temperature of a said substance 1o K. The capacity is measured in kilojoules divided by kilogram time degrees Kelvin (kJ/Kg k). So, if the specific heat capacity of a substance is high, it requires a very large amount of energy to increase the temperature, and if it has a low specific heat capacity, the required energy will be lower.

Related questions

Why do conductors have a lower specific heat than insulators?

Conductors have lower specific heat compared to insulators because conductors have more free electrons that are available to transfer heat energy quickly through the material. Insulators have fewer free electrons and therefore heat is transferred more slowly through the material, resulting in a higher specific heat capacity.

What is the relationship between specific heat and rate of heating?

change in temperature does not effect specific heat. for example,specific heat of water is 4.14 j/g.k at any temperature

What happens to the specific heat of a material if mass is doubled?

If the mass of a material is doubled, the specific heat remains the same. Specific heat is an intrinsic property of a material and does not change with the amount of material present.

What is the predicted result when two different materials of equal mass absorb the same amount of energy by heat flow?

The material with lower specific heat capacity will experience a greater temperature increase compared to the material with higher specific heat capacity when absorbing the same amount of energy by heat flow.

Effect of temperature on specific heat of material?

An increase in temperature generally causes the specific heat of a material to decrease. This is because as temperature rises, the vibrational energy of the material's molecules also increases, leading to less energy needed to raise the temperature of the material. Conversely, as temperature decreases, the specific heat of a material tends to increase.

What building material can trap in heat and oxygen?

One building material that can trap in heat and oxygen is concrete. Concrete is a dense material that can absorb and retain heat, creating a thermal mass effect. In addition, the porous nature of concrete can facilitate the trapping of oxygen when used in specific applications.

How does the temperatures increases of different materials depend on their specific heats?

The specific heat capacity of a material determines how much energy is needed to heat up a certain mass of the material by a certain amount. Materials with higher specific heats require more energy to raise their temperature compared to materials with lower specific heats. Therefore, materials with higher specific heats will have slower temperature increases when heated compared to materials with lower specific heats.

Heat transfer in fluids due to less dense material rising?


Why is it that wood feels less hot than metal?

Because it is less dense. The ability of a material to absorb or retain heat is governed by its molecular density, and is known as "specific heat". Wood, which is cellulose, has a much lower density than metals, and will both heat more slowly and cool more quickly in air. Lighter metals, such as aluminum, similarly display a substantially lower ability to retain heat than denser metals such as iron. When cooling materials, light metals or porous wood can be effectively cooled by the air (a low specific heat), while other denser substances are more effectively cooled by water (higher specific heat, and can absorb heat by evaporating).

When the same quantity of heat is added per unit as does a substance having a lower specific heat warm more or less than a substance having a higher specific heat?

A substance with a lower specific heat will warm more than a substance with a higher specific heat when the same quantity of heat is added. This is because substances with lower specific heat require less energy to increase their temperature compared to substances with higher specific heat.

Materials with a high specific heat can absorb a lot of energy and show little change in temperature?

Yes, materials with a high specific heat can absorb a significant amount of energy when heated because they require more energy to raise their temperature compared to materials with lower specific heat. This property makes them useful for applications like heat storage and temperature regulation.

Is the heat capacity of a body the same as its specific heat capacity?

The heat capacity depends on the mass of a material and is expressed in j/K.The specific heat capacity not depends on the mass of a material and is expressed in j/mol.K.