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The pressure of rarefied air is strongly different from the pressure of a big layer of water.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

The pressure at different altitudes depends on the weight of the air column above that point. At 14000 ft above sea level, there is less air above causing lower pressure (0.69 ATM). Conversely, at 14000 ft below sea level, there is more air above causing higher pressure (470 ATM).

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Q: Why is the pressure at 14000 ft above sea level 0.69 ATM while the pressure at 14000 ft below sea level is 470 ATM?
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Which altitudes would have the lowest air pressure and why?

The highest altitudes have the lowest air pressure. Air pressure increases as altitude decreases. Above sea level is lower pressure; below sea level is higher pressure.

How much air pressure is on you if i'm below sea level?

Below sea level atmospheric pressure increases with depth. Air pressure at sea level is about 14.7 psia. Air pressure below sea level would be slightly higher.

Is sea level pressure the same as air pressure?

Sea level pressure is a specific reference point for measuring air pressure. It refers to the atmospheric pressure at sea level, but air pressure can vary depending on altitude. Air pressure is the force exerted by the weight of air above a specific point, and it decreases with increasing altitude.

What is the air pressure of top of your head?

The air pressure at the top of our heads is the same as the air pressure at any other point at the same elevation above sea level. The air pressure decreases with increasing altitude due to the weight of the air above pushing down on the air below, creating the atmospheric pressure we experience.

How can something on land be measured as below sea level?

Something on land can be measured as below sea level when its elevation is lower than the average level of the world's oceans. This can be determined using a reference point, such as sea level, to calculate the vertical distance below it. Topographic maps and GPS technology are commonly used to measure elevations above and below sea level.

Related questions

How does atmospheric pressure change with height above sea level?

Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the air above the surface of the earth. As elevation increases, there is less air above the location and the pressure is lower. At sea level the column of air above the area is greater.?æ

Which altitudes would have the lowest air pressure and why?

The highest altitudes have the lowest air pressure. Air pressure increases as altitude decreases. Above sea level is lower pressure; below sea level is higher pressure.

What is the pressure at 20 meters below sea level?

The pressure at 20 meters below sea level is approximately 3 atmospheres, which is equivalent to about 2,942 millibars or 294.2 kPa. This pressure is due to the weight of the water above exerting force on the area at that depth.

Would you expect the air pressure in a valley that's below sea level to be higher or lower than air pressure at sea level?

Air pressure in a valley below sea level would be higher than at sea level. This is because the weight of the air column above is greater in the valley due to the higher density of air molecules compressed into a smaller volume.

How much air pressure is on you if i'm below sea level?

Below sea level atmospheric pressure increases with depth. Air pressure at sea level is about 14.7 psia. Air pressure below sea level would be slightly higher.

Is Michigan above or below sea level?

The average elevation in Michigan is around 900 feet above sea level. However, the specific elevation can vary depending on location within the state.

Is Alaska above or below sea level?

Above sea level

Is a plateau above sea level or below sea level?

A plateau is typically above sea level. It is a flat, elevated landform with a relatively flat top and steep sides.

At what altitude does a bottle of soda fizz more when opened sea level below sea level or above sea level?

Above sea level, because the air pressure is less, so more carbon dioxide leaves the drink quickly.

What is the pressure at 100 meters below sea level?

The pressure at 100 meters below sea level is approximately 11 atmospheres, which is equivalent to about 1,100 kilopascals or 160 pounds per square inch. This increase in pressure is due to the weight of the water column pressing down from above at greater depths.

Is Romania above or below sea level?

Romania is above sea level.

Is surrey bc above or below sea level?

Surrey, BC has varying elevations throughout the city, with some parts located below sea level and others above sea level. The city as a whole ranges from sea level at the Fraser River to higher elevations in the northern parts of the city.