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Venus appears to be blue because of the gases in its atmosphere. The temperature on Venus is around 870 degrees Fahrenheit and its atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid.

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1w ago

Jupiter is not predominantly blue in color; it actually has vibrant bands of clouds in browns, reds, and other colors. The blue color is likely due to the way sunlight is scattered in its atmosphere, similar to how Earth's sky appears blue because of scattering by air molecules.

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9y ago

The presence of methane gas the planet's atmosphere makes a planet appear blue. both Uranus and Neptune are blue due to the presence of methane.

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12y ago

It's not. It has bands of pale yellow and darker orange-brown.

But Uranus and Neptune are bluish due to the methane in their upper atmospheres.

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9y ago

No. Venus looks whyite from space due to its clouds. The two "blue planets" are Earth an Neptune.

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Jupiter is not known as the blue planet because it is not blue. See the link for a picture of Jupiter.

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No. The largest planet discovered in our solar system so far is Jupiter. You can fit 1321 Earth's inside Jupiter. You can only fit 57 Earth's inside Neptune. It is possible that a planet larger than Jupiter lies undiscovered in our solar system due to technological restrictions. Jupiter is the biggest that mankind is currently aware of.

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Both Uranus and Neptune have a blue or blue-green colour.

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Jupiter. It has distinctive bands of clouds, varying on colour from White to brown.

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