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Q: Why is the north side of the hurricane eye significant?
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Which side of the eye of a hurricane receives the greatest force force from the storm and gets most damage?

The right side of a hurricane's eye wall usually causes the worst damage.

Hurricane winds are stronger to the right of the eye?

The right side

Where in a hurricane do the strongets winds occur?

The strongest winds in a hurricane are typically found in the eyewall, which is a ring of thunderstorms surrounding the eye of the hurricane. Wind speeds in the eyewall can be the most intense and destructive in a hurricane.

Can the eye of hurricane be deadly?

Indirectly, yes. Sometimes, when people are in the eye of a hurricane they will go outside thinking the storm is over only to be caught in the winds on the other side.

Does the eye in the hurricane have thunderstorms in it?

No. The eye of a hurricane is free of storms.

What is the sentence of eye of the storm?

The eye of the hurricane is the center of the hurricane.

When the eye of this hurricane reaches 43 degrees north latitude this hurricane will most likely be pushed by planetary winds toward the?

When the eye of a hurricane reaches 43 degrees north latitude, it will likely be pushed eastward by the westerly winds in the mid-latitudes. This is because the prevailing winds at that latitude generally flow from west to east, steering the hurricane away from the coast.

Exactly what is the eye of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is an area of calm clear weather at a hurricane's center.

The strongest part of a hurricane is called the eye true or false?

False. The eye of a hurricane is calm. The strongest part of a hurricane is the eye wall.

True or false the strongest part of a hurricane is called a eye?

False. The eye of a hurricane is calm. The strongest part of a hurricane is the eye wall.

When was Eye of a Hurricane created?

Eye of a Hurricane was created on 1984-06-18.

What is in the eye of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is a relatively calm area at the center of a hurricane with no rain, and sometimes clear skies.