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Q: Why is the joining of atoms important?
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What is The joining of hydrogen atoms of form helium?

Nuclear Fusion

Is the joining of two atoms together?

The process of joining two atoms together is known as bonding. This process is responsible for making all the known substances in the world beyond the basic elements from which they are derived.

What are 2 nuclear reactions?

The two main categories are (1) fusion: joining small atoms into larger atoms, such as hydrogen-1 into helium-4, and (2) fission, the splitting of certain large atoms, such as U-235.The two main categories are (1) fusion: joining small atoms into larger atoms, such as hydrogen-1 into helium-4, and (2) fission, the splitting of certain large atoms, such as U-235.The two main categories are (1) fusion: joining small atoms into larger atoms, such as hydrogen-1 into helium-4, and (2) fission, the splitting of certain large atoms, such as U-235.The two main categories are (1) fusion: joining small atoms into larger atoms, such as hydrogen-1 into helium-4, and (2) fission, the splitting of certain large atoms, such as U-235.

Who thought that compounds are formed by the joining of atoms?

Ernest Rutherford did from New Zeland.

Who had as part of his atomic theory the idea that compounds are formed by joining of atoms?

john Dalton

When a compound is formed by two or more atoms of different elements joining?

an ionic compound.

Another name for the joining of two atoms together?

Chemical bonding or covalent bonding.

What is the joining of atoms called?

The rearranging of atoms to form new combinations is called bonding, more specifically chemical bonding (or chemical reaction) and the resultant "new combinations" are called compounds.

Why are atoms important and where do you find atoms?

Atoms are important because they make up everything in existence. Every object you can find will be made of atoms.

What part do electrons play in chemical reactions?

They basically are the joining parts that other atoms join onto

The joining of two atoms to form a new substance?

This process is called a chemical reaction, where two atoms combine to form a new compound with different properties than the original atoms. During the reaction, chemical bonds are formed between the atoms, leading to the creation of a new substance.

When joining with atoms to form a covalent compound the nitrogen atom can form what?

When joining with other atoms to form a covalent compound, a nitrogen atom can typically form up to three covalent bonds, leading to a stable octet configuration and commonly generating compounds like ammonia (NH3) or nitrogen gas (N2).