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a jet stream is important because of climate control

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Q: Why is the jet stream important?
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Why is jet stream important?

a jet stream is important because of climate control

What is isotachs contours?

Isotachs are lines on a weather map that connect points with equal wind speed. They are used to show the distribution and strength of winds in a particular area. The spacing between isotachs indicates the gradient of wind speed, with closer spacing indicating stronger winds.

Which is stronger polar jet stream or subtropical jet stream?

The polar jet stream is generally stronger and faster-moving than the subtropical jet stream. The polar jet stream forms at higher latitudes and is located closer to the poles, while the subtropical jet stream is located at lower latitudes. The polar jet stream is associated with larger temperature contrasts and stronger pressure gradients, resulting in stronger winds compared to the subtropical jet stream.

What determines how far south the the cold air from the north pole travels?

The jet stream

How are the jet stream and the gulf stream different?

The jet stream is a fast-moving current of air at high altitudes that travels from west to east, affecting weather patterns and flight routes. The Gulf Stream, on the other hand, is a warm water current in the Atlantic Ocean that influences climate by transferring heat from the equator towards higher latitudes. While both move fluid substances (air and water) across regions, they operate in different environments and have distinct impacts on weather and ocean circulation.

Where is the jet stream located?

The jet stream is a high-altitude, fast-moving air current that flows from west to east in a wavy pattern in the atmosphere. There are polar and subtropical jet streams located in the upper levels of the troposphere, typically between 6 to 9 miles above the Earth's surface.

What is the difference between a continental jet stream and a polar jet stream?

A continental jet-stream travels parallel to the equator - a polar jet-stream travels in a north/south direction.

What are the two jet streams in the northern hemisphere?

mid latitude jet stream and jet stream

What weather word starts with J?

jet stream

Do jet stream occur in the mesosphere?

No. The jet stream is in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.

which is true of jet streams?

The polar jet stream is generally stronger than the subtropical jet stream

What is true about a jets stream?

The polar jet stream is generally stronger than the subtropical jet stream