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The outer valence electron lies in a 1s orbital in Hydrogen. The effective nuclear charge of hydrogen can be taken as Z = 1. The electron that is being ionised in Oxygen lies in a 2p orbital which has an effective nuclear charge of Z = 8-(3.4 or 4.5 or something). The point is, this nuclear charge at a greater distance from the nucleus means the energies of the electrons are similar and so ionisation energis required are too similar.

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The first ionization energy of hydrogen and oxygen is the same because both elements have one electron in their outermost shell, which is easier to remove compared to other electrons located closer to the nucleus. This results in the same amount of energy required to remove the outermost electron in both elements.

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Q: Why is the first ionisation energy of hydrogen and oxygen the same?
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What is ionisation energy What is first ionisation energy?

The first ionization energy of an atom or molecule describes the amount of energy required to remove an electron from the atom or molecule in the gaseous state.

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the first ionisation energy is the energy required to remove the first most loosely bound elecctron from a neutral gaseous atom in its ground state.

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The first ionization energy of oxygen is less than that of nitrogen because oxygen has a higher electron shielding effect due to its additional electron shell, making it easier to remove an electron from oxygen compared to nitrogen. This electron shielding effect reduces the effective nuclear charge felt by the outermost electrons in oxygen, thus requiring less energy to remove an electron.

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Because, as we know that when we go across the period of the periodic table, the number of shells remain the same but the number of electrons and protons increases. So, Rb having its atomic number as 37 and Sr as 38, Strontium has got more nuclear charge as well as more electrons. As a result the first ionisation energy required to remove one electron is more in Strontium than Rubidium.

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Helium and hydrogen have the smallest values for the first ionization energies. Helium has the lowest first ionization energy due to its stable electron configuration with a full outer shell, while hydrogen has a low ionization energy because it has only one electron in its outer shell.

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When hydrogen and oxygen gases react to produce water, 285.5 kJ of energy is released per mole of water formed. To calculate the energy released when 15.0g of water is produced, you first need to determine the number of moles of water produced, then multiply by 285.5 kJ/mol to find the total energy released.

What is meant by the first ionisation energy of nitrogen?

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