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Because not all spores grow and trive, that's why millions are released!

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Q: Why is the earth not run over by fungi?
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What the earth would be if there were no fungi?

Covered over in detritus.

How long has the fungi kingdom been on Earth?

Fungi have been on Earth for over 1 billion years, making them one of the oldest known forms of life. They play crucial roles in ecosystems by breaking down dead organic matter and forming mutually beneficial symbiotic relationships with plants.

How many types of fungi are there on earth?

currently it is about 1.5 million different types of fungi on Earth....... yea i know it is a lot

Can nuclear energy be found over and over or will it run out sometime?

There is so much uranium in the Earth's crust and mantle that it is unlikely that we will run out.

What are types of fungi?

types of fungi is all the different fungi's you can get around the base of the earth.

How old is fungi?

Fungi have been around for over 1 billion years, making them one of the oldest forms of life on earth. Individual fungi organisms can vary in age, with some species living for hundreds to thousands of years.

What are the fungi groups?

There are two major groups of fungi recognized today. They are true fungi like Earth tongues, truffles and most lichens and fungi-like organisms such as, slime molds, and plasmyxids.

What the earth will be like if there no fungi?

A lot of Plants would suffer and/or die greatly because Fungi provides them nutrients.

What are the groups?

There are two major groups of fungi recognized today. They are true fungi like Earth tongues, truffles and most lichens and fungi-like organisms such as, slime molds, and plasmyxids.

Describe the 4 kingdoms that comprise the domain Eukarya?

Animals: Motile heterotrophs that are multicellular and widely dispersed over the earth. Plants: Sessile autotrophs that are multicellular and dispersed widely over the earth. Protists: Comprising both autotrophs and heterotrophs these, generally, single celled organisms are usually found in a watery environment. Fungi: These decomposing, multicelled detritovores are only found on the land where they are reasonably well dispersed.

When was Earth Run created?

Earth Run was created in 1986-04.

When did fungi first arrive on earth?

the first fungi or fung 'I' arose from the earth several billion years ago and was around the south pole because the cold winter climate it is now was warm and tropical back then and would be perfect climate back then