

Best Answer
The risks of the increase in global temperaturesThe planet is getting warmer and warmer. The reasons have not been isolated totally but many of the causes have been already detected.

The World Meteorological Organization warns about this increase in temperature as it threats society in many ways. Climate affects the lives and livelihoods of people around the globe and the increase in temperature is presenting serious dangers. Heatwaves in urban areas, have recently caused the death of thousands mainly elderly and infirm individuals. In the winter of 2006-2007, many Alp resorts suffered financially when warmer weather resulted in a lack of snow.

See the links at the end of this page for more information.

Another opinionIt is not increasing. At least not "day by day". Today is colder than yesterday. Though the case can be made that, in terms of the annual average temperature, there is a slight positive trend over the last 30 years (about 0.01oC per year), it is most certainly not true that the temperature every single day is higher than the previous day.
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12y ago
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3mo ago

The Earth is getting warmer primarily due to human activities releasing greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which trap heat and cause the planet to warm. This is known as the greenhouse effect. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes are major contributors to this phenomenon.

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14y ago

The simple answer is that the science indicates that increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing the Earth's temperature.

A question of this complexity needs bit of introduction. First off when we talk of the warming of the Earth, we mean the long term increase in the average temperature, not the difference between winter and Sumner or the difference between the equatorial regions and the polar regions.

Warming between winter and summer is caused by the axial tilt (the poles point away from the sun in winter, towards it in winter. The relative warmth of the equator is due to the angle of incidence of sunlight at the equator not the equator being closer to the sun than the more polar regions.

One thing that is constant in the temperature of the earth is the distance from the sun. Although the Earth's orbit is slightly eccentric (not a perfect circle) and only varies slightly between the major and minor axis (The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit is currently about 0.0167, meaning that semi-minor axis is 98.6% of the semi-major axis.) As the Earth orbits these changes cancel out to give us an average distance and an average heat input.

This leaves us with two commonly proposed effects leading the warming of the Earth's average annual temperature:

  • increased solar input
  • increased concentrations of green house gases in the atmosphere

It should be pointed out that the temperature increases are in the order of fractional degrees per decade. Since 1900 the total change has been about 1oC.

With regard to the changes in solar input. The sun's emission of heat and light cycles with time. The sun's output changes on an approximate 11 year cycle. This change is not large, the variations is about 0.1% or about 1.3 W/m² from the average 1366 watts per square meter (W/m²). This has been constant for about 2000 years There are no direct measurements of the longer-term variation and interpretations of proxy measures of variations differ. The intensity of solar radiation reaching the Earth has been relatively constant throughout the last 2000 years.

With regard to green house gases, science has observed an increase in the levels of these gases over the past several years which tracks well against the increasing average temperature. The increase can be due to human activities (burning of fossil fuels for electricity and transport) or the decrease of carbon dioxide uptake also by human activity through decreasing carbon dioxide sinks like forested areas in preference to farmland.

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14y ago

The temperature on earth has risen because of the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the environment because it traps the heat of the sun and thus causes global warming.

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13y ago

Global warming caused by greenhouse gases.It is thinning the protective Ozone Layer.

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