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The direct transfer of heat between two substances that are touching is conduction.

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Q: Why is the direct transfer if heat from one substance to another substance that is touching?
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Why must substances be touching in order from conduction to occur?

Conduction is the transfer of heat between substances due to direct contact. When substances are touching, their particles can transfer kinetic energy (heat) by colliding with each other, causing the heat to flow from the warmer substance to the cooler one. Without direct contact, there is no medium for the transfer of heat energy to occur.

What is the function of a funnel?

A funnel is used to direct the flow of liquids or powders into narrow openings without spillage. Its narrow spout allows for precise pouring and minimizes waste or mess. Funnel are commonly used in kitchens, laboratories, and automotive maintenance.

What is the transfer of heat from one thing to another by physical contact?

Conduction is the transfer of heat from one thing to another through direct physical contact. Heat is transferred from the hotter object to the cooler one until thermal equilibrium is reached.

What is the heat which travel molecule to molecule?

Conduction is the heat transfer process that occurs when heat flows from one molecule to another within a material. This happens through direct contact between the molecules, leading to a transfer of thermal energy.

Which type of heat transfer is by direct contract?

The type of heat transfer by direct contact is called conduction. Heat is transferred through a solid material or between two objects in direct contact with each other. This occurs as the particles in the material or objects collide and transfer energy to each other.

Related questions

What is called the direct transfer of heat from one substance to another substance that it is touching is called?

the direct transfer of heat from one substance to another substance that it is touching is called

What is the direct transfer of heat from one substance to another substance that is touching called?


What is direct transfer of heat from one substance to another substance that is touching called?


What is the process of direct transfer from one substance to another touching substance?

The process of direct transfer of substance from one touching substance to another is called conduction. Heat or electricity can be transferred through conduction when two substances are in direct contact with each other. This transfer occurs due to the collision of particles within the substances.

What is the direct transfer of heat from one substance to a another substance that is Touching?

It is known as: conduction.

What is the direct transfer of heat from one substance to another one that is touching called?


What is the transfer of heat from one substance to another that it is touching called?

The transfer of heat from one substance to another that it is touching is called conduction. This process occurs when heat energy is transferred through direct contact between particles of different temperatures.

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Direct transfer of heat from from one substance to another?


What is energy transfer from one substance to another by direct contact?

Conduction is the transfer of energy from one substance to another through direct contact. This transfer occurs as particles collide and transfer kinetic energy to each other, leading to an overall flow of heat.

What is the direct transfer of heat energy from one substance to another?

Conductance of heat.

Why must substances be touching in order from conduction to occur?

Conduction is the transfer of heat between substances due to direct contact. When substances are touching, their particles can transfer kinetic energy (heat) by colliding with each other, causing the heat to flow from the warmer substance to the cooler one. Without direct contact, there is no medium for the transfer of heat energy to occur.