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because a tuber cell does not contain a nucleus

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Herman Homenick

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3y ago
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Q: Why is the design of the cell not suitable to perform the function of a cell leaf?
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Why is the design of the tuber cell not suitable to perform the function of a leaf cell?

because a tuber cell does not contain a nucleus

Why is the design of tuber cell not suitable to perform the function of a cell leaf?

because a tuber cell does not contain a nucleus

Why is the design of the tuber cells not suitable to perform the function of a cell leaf?

The leaf cells are dorsi-ventrally oriented to capture maximum sunlight for photosynthesis. The tuber cells are clubed togather having very little freesurface area hence not suitable to perform the function of a leaf cell.

Why is the design of the tuber cell not suitable to perform the function of a cell leaf?

Tuber cells are specialized for storage, not photosynthesis like leaf cells. Tuber cells do not have the necessary chloroplasts and other structures required for photosynthesis. Leaf cells are adapted for capturing sunlight and converting it into energy, which tuber cells do not need to do.

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The epidermal cell have cuticle (in plants) or chiten (in animals) on their outer tangential walls to perform protective function.

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to perform a specific function

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to perform a specific function

What function does the membrane perform in an animal cell.?

helps control transport of material into and out of the cell

How important is the function of every part of the cell to the overall functioning of the body?

every cell perform different function so overall function of the body is relevent to the every cell

Why are structure and function so importance in cells?

Function describes what cells do; in a multi-cellular organism the function is why the cell exists. And the structure makes it possible for a cell to perform its function.